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Vampire's Pet

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I smiled at the master, not wanting to be rude and gently opened the gift he had presented me with. Inside I found a beautiful set of diamond crusted hairpins in the shape of wings and I could not help but smile. It had been many years since I had last received a gift, let alone one from a vampire. I lifted my eyes and treated him to a genuine smile, forgetting all about Rosalyn or the fact that she had disappeared after the master.

“Thank you very much, Master. They are beautiful and I shall cherish them,” I said softly and gingerly set them in my hair to hold it back out of my face. His eyes twinkled and his smile widened when he saw me once I finished setting them in properly and held out his hand. I accepted it without hesitation and he brought me before him. I knelt down onto my knees and gazed up at him carefully with love and affection.

“You are a beautiful young woman, my dear River. Do you think this arrangement with Rosalyn and Leon, is smart?”

I stared up at him in surprise. I wondered why he was asking me such a personal question. In my heart I knew that this match was not right at all. I could tell that Leon did not love this woman, but that there was a history. I was not a jealous creature, but I could not help keep it away this time. My reaction after spending time with him was different than I had expected. I vowed to never fall in love with a vampire, never thought I even could. I fell long and hard and head first and now I was trapped. Was in love, there was no going back. Once a Feywing chose its mate, they mated for life and there is no other.

I looked away and said nothing, not wanting to betray my interest in the master or to the headmaster. I did not want him to know that I was in love with his son. What would he do a pet falling in love with her master, her owner? Life is not meant to be fair, but this was growing to be ludicrous. I felt his eyes on me, though he remained silent. I could not bring myself to break the silence, so simply kept my mouth closed and my head down.

“Darling River…” he murmured and I felt his fingers beneath my chin, lifting my head and I was forced to look into his eyes as he searched and prodded. I watched them widen slightly and he leaned back in surprise. My heart began to pound within my chest as his silence fueled my deepest fears.

“Are you in love with my son?” he asked, aghast.

I felt my world crashing around me. What would happen to me if I tell the truth? Will he send me away, or have me killed? I could not lie, it was not in my nature.

“Yes,” I whispered as quietly as possible. That was the least of my problems.


I jerked from the master’s hold and stared right into Leon’s wide blue eyes. In his grasp he held two wrapped gifts and Rosalyn stood behind him, glaring at me with hatred from over his shoulder. I ignored her and stared at him in horror. Had he heard?

Leon’s eyes met mine and held them with an intensity that stole my breath from my lungs. He took a step forward, as if entranced.

“What did you say?” he breathed.

I felt my chest restrict and I swallowed nervously. Every now knew my deepest secret and now, my life was tossed in the pit for anyone to do as they pleased.
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Sorry it's a little short, but it gets better from here =)
The next few chapters will include Li, May and Jack and some deviousness from Rosalyn.
Wonder what's going to happen?
Keep reading to find out!
