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Vampire's Pet

Chapter Thirty-Five

I refused to let him go, let him out of my arms. I had cried until I had nothing left; I felt numb mind, body and soul. For how long Leon held me, I will never know but in a way I was very grateful. I had remembered the Song of Reincarnation but it did not work. My son’s body still remained limp and lifeless, staring up at me with those beautiful green eyes. Images of when I had first saw him flashed through my mind and brought tears I thought I did not have anymore, back to my eyes. The shriek that had left his mouth when the vampire had murdered him rang in my ears like a distant echo I was never meant to forget.

I felt drained of energy I felt nothing at all, my pain had numbed everything inside of me, including my soul. I felt like an empty shell, a husk without anything inside to complete me. I had lost a son; it did not matter that he was not truly my own from birth. He was infinitely precious and very special to me, my adopted son.


I had not heard him, nor did I really care. I was not surprised, nor startled. I was nothing. I did not turn as Leon came into view and gazed down at my arms and sighed heavily. From the deep tiredness I could see in his eyes, I knew that all of this had taken a toll on him as well. He sat down in front of me, blocking my gaze from the moon and regarded me with a pained expression. He held out his hands.

“River, you have to let him go,” he murmured in exasperation and I simply ignored him and gazed down at Alex’s tiny remains. They were the same, unmoved and lifelessness still glared back at me from his eyes.


He sighed once more, this time in frustration but I did not care. I would never let him go, not until I had tried everything to bring him back. I would try until my last breath and even then, I would not stop. I will fight to keep going and trying until all hope was lost. Taking a deep breath, I tried once again, only this time I asked the Mother for help. I searched deep down within myself, within my soul until I found that little ray of sunshine, the light that was the Mother. I asked her to lend me her strength, to give me what I needed to save my son.

The light grew and brightened and I found myself out of breath at the force of the Mother’s strength flowing through my veins. My bloodstream filled with her magic and I drew on everything she gave me and started to sing. My voice was strong and clear and I placed everything I had into the words, the chant. Leon said nothing the entire time, but somehow I felt his presence, lending me what strength he had and I felt ready to burst and overflow with power. I released it all and opened my eyes to gaze down at Alex’s form. Time passed and nothing happened still. I pushed harder, concentrated the flow of my energy into his tiny body, giving him strength to take a breath. My throat turned raw and the pain was welcoming as I pushed the words out with the remains of my strength.

A paw twitched.

I saw the movement and nearly gave in and disrupt my concentration, but I remained focused and continued. His paw twitched again, a strange jerking motion and his eyelids fluttered. I heard Leon’s gasp, but I could look away from Alex’s tiny form. I pushed out the rest of my strength, everything of mine gone as well as what the Mother and Leon had lent to me. Black spots filled my vision and I saw Leon reach for me with wide eyes.

The last thing I heard, was a very tiny pitiful meow and then I fell into the shadows.
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^_^ I bet everyone knew that was coming, but I just couldn't kill him off for good. He's too cute.
