Status: Updates Every Wednesday

Vampire's Pet

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Summer turned to fall, fall to winter. A year had gone past since everything that had happened and a lot had occurred since then. The council found out and my Dad tried to feed him the story we had come up with and apparently they accepted it without question. All vampires hate hunters, because they kill us for no reason other than we drink blood. Humans were so closed minded and gave no room for things other than what they knew.

Alex sat on my lap purring away while we both gazed out the window, watching the snow fall. I thought about the special present I had bought for River last Christmas and sighed. I had given it to her in her sleep so she would wake up to find it. I heard footsteps heading in my direction and looked to the door just as Devin and Ariana stepped inside, all dressed for the annual Christmas ball. I still had yet to leave the room.

Devin sent me that crooked smile he adapted and gave me a hug. “Merry Christmas, Leon.”

I smiled in return and watched as he bent down to Alex and ruffled his head cheerfully, wishing him a merry Christmas as well. He then stood and moved to River’s side and smiled down at her sadly. He bent down and kissed her cheek gently and touched her forehead.

“Merry Christmas, River.”

Ariana moved to her side after wishing me and Alex a merry Christmas, and stroked her hair with a warm smile. She kissed her forehead and pulled away affectionately.

“Merry Christmas, River, and Happy Birthday.”

Devin and I stared at her in confusion and I felt a lump form in my throat. Why didn’t ever tell me?

“Today is her birthday?” I choked and watched as Ariana turned and smiled at me with a nod. She continued to stroke River’s silvery hair lovingly. My Dad appeared dressed in his finest suit and smiled sadly. For the first time in a year, I rose to my feet and felt stiffer than usual. I embraced him, clapping him on the back and forced a smile.

“Merry Christmas, Dad.”

“Merry Christmas, son.”

His gaze wandered over River’s sleeping form and he sighed. I patted him on the shoulder and moved to the edge of the bed where I took her hand in my own. It was warm telling me that she was well and healthy. I stroked my fingertips against her cheek and felt a pain in my chest as I sighed.

“Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, River. I swear I won’t forget it and I’m glad I know.”

My Dad bade her a merry Christmas and happy birthday too, before he ushered the others out the door leaving me alone with River’s sleeping form. I continued to stroke her cheek and felt nothing but sadness. She wasn’t going to wake up. Bending down, I gently placed a kiss on her lips, surprised to find them warm as they used to be. I pulled away to rest my forehead against hers and waited for her to open her eyes like in the fairy tales. When nothing happened, I straightened and gazed down at Alex who simply stared back at me.

“Well, it was worth a try.”

“Master Leon, Mr. Li is here and he wishes to speak to you. I told him you did want to leave her side, but...” the maid began with a frown, but I stopped her and smiled weakly.

“It’s alright, I could use some movement. After sitting for a year, I feel pretty stiff,” I joked half-heartedly and rose to my feet. She smiled sympathetically and escorted the way out the door. I paused to glance at River and sighed heavily before closing the door behind me.
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Hmm...wonder when she'll wake up. Can you guess?
