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Vampire's Pet

Chapter Forty Six

Waking up the next morning in Leon's bed cuddled up to him with his arm around me protectively was the most amazing feeling I had ever experienced. The soreness between my legs reminded me of the bond we had shared throughout the night and well into the dawn. My lips curled in a smile and I felt so relaxed and tranquil. As much as I could, I stretched out my limbs luxuriously and began to purr deep in my chest, a quiet rumble of satisfaction.

A chuckle behind me jump and I looked over my shoulder in surprise to see Leon, his eyes still closed with a smile on his lips as he drew me closer to his chest. I smiled slightly and buried my face into his chest, purring with content...until the door flew open and Devin stood there with wide eyes and Ariana poked her head inside. Her eyes grew wide and she gave a startled cry, covering her eyes and whipping out of the room in the blink of an eye while Devin could only stare with a reddening face.

"Uh..." he said, obviously at a loss for words as his blue eyes darted back and forth between the two of us and I drew the covers more tightly around my naked body and Leon growled with irritation.

"Is there a reason why your standing in the center of my room without having knocked?" he asked with a glare toward his brother, and he quickly collected himself, his eyes filled with fresh concern.

"Li's here and is Dad and the...vampire council," he said quietly, his face extra pale and I sat up in horror, clutching the red silk sheet to my chest.

"Where is Alex?" I demanded, my heart creeping up into my throat and he lifted his hands reassuringly while Leon breezed out of bed, around the room to dress without me even seeing him move.

"Alex is safe, he's with Ariana. May and Jack are still in your bedroom hiding in the closet for now, but we have to get out of here. Dad managed to pull me aside and let me know what's going on. They are looking for you because Rosalyn's father made a huge stink of course," he said honestly with a worried shrug as he slipped his fingers through his hair as he began to pace.

I moved quickly, not caring the least if Devin saw me naked and gathered the remains of my clothes and dressed while Devin blurred from the room, extremely red in the face. Leon returned with two bags and began tossing things inside. He paused to look at me.

"If you want or need clothes, I suggest we hurry and get this over with. We need to get out of here and fast before they catch your scent," he said seriously, rushing around the room in a blur and I nodded.

Taking the bag, I moved swiftly down the corridor and slipped into my room where Ariana waited with Alex, helping him pack his things along with items we may need for the journey. I smoothed his black hair gently and smiled weakly.

"Come, we have to hurry. Ariana..." I said softly as I turned to the girl I had spent most of my time with and she smiled warmly and embraced me tightly.

"I'm so glad I've gotten the chance to know you, River. Leon and I will be keeping in touch with each other, so I promise when I can get away, I will come and visit," she murmured sadly as she tightened her hold on me and I kissed her hair.

"Goodbye, Ariana," I said as I grabbed our bags and Alex's hand, smiling at her one last time before leaving the room and making a mad dash into Leon's room where the brothers conversed.

"So this is where we are going to be. Don't let anyone find out, okay? If you come to visit, make sure no one is watching or following you. Tell Ariana the same thing, okay?" Leon said hurriedly as he took all of the bags and tossed them outside the window onto the front lawn.

Devin nodded, looking torn. "I want to come, Leon. You could use the help."

He shook his head. "You can't, your needed here for Dad and Ariana. When the coast is clear, we'll be back, I promise," he said with a wolfish grin and Devin sighed heavily and returned it weakly.

Leon turned to Alex and told him to hop on his back. When he was secure, he turned to me and lifted me into his arms before climbing out the window and landing with ease on the ground without a jolt and set us down. I looked back up to the window where Ariana and Devin stared back sadly and waved. I blew a kiss to them before shifting and flying after Leon who carried Alex in feline form for faster travel.

I was going to miss them, especially Ariana. The place I have come to call home would suddenly no longer welcome creatures like me. The scent of the hierarchy of vampires within the castle walls was enough to sting the senses. No longer was I welcome there, and no longer was Leon. He had given up his home, his title and land. Most of all, he gave up his family.

I do not know where we are going, or how long we will be there...but we will be watching from the shadows, waiting. I know that more of my kind are out there. I know they are waiting for their leader, and I will obtain their freedom. Together with Leon, a prince of his kind, we will set them free.

Even if it kills me.
♠ ♠ ♠

It has been 4 years since I have last touched this story. For all the readers that still may exist, you are so awesome. If not, that's's been 4 years. I have edited this last chapter as I've decided it's going to be last one.

The second novel will start shortly! Stay tuned :)
