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Vampire's Pet

Chapter Five

When the movie finally ended, I waved to the guys as I climbed in with Devin and Leon. I was honestly excited to meet this cat demon. Obviously it's a she from what Devin had told me during the movie and was very beautiful in her cat form, let alone human form. Leon didn't really seem to care for this new pet of Ariana's, but I figured as much. He never did like animals except for me. We were like best friends, as was Devin and I. I like to believe I'm a positive role model for him.

"Your Dad won't mind that I'm there, will he?" I asked as Leon snorted and glanced at me through the rear view mirror.

"No, why would he? You've been coming over since we were kids," he said as he turned into his driveway and parked just outside the garage. Immediately I sensed the other demon there, and I felt my pupils dilate. Devin jumped out and regarded me with a smile, as Leon raised an eyebrow.

"Sense her already? Sheesh, maybe I should use you as a Blood Hound to find me good food," he joked with a smirk as we walked towards the front door, and I glared at his back. I knew he was kidding around, but so was I.

We entered the house, and I knew where she was. She was sitting on the pedestal where a vase used to be, her eyes on me carefully. Suddenly she hissed, as her hair stood up on end. Leon grinned and glanced over at me.

"I don't think she likes you very much," he said as he raised an eyebrow and walked past to set his keys down, and she looked to him expectantly. He glared down at her.

"I already told you River, your not getting anything from me," he said as he passed by, and Devin sighed as he walked over and pet her head as she began to purr. I almost began as well, but swallowed to fight it back down. She was exquisite. Her fur was shiny and healthy. Her eyes were as bright as the stars outside, and her fur held such unique colors.

When Devin went to the kitchen to get some fresh blood, her eyes turned to me and her tail twitched side to side nervously. I examined the trail of shimmer that she left behind, and knew that she was a rare species.

"I'm Li. I heard that you were bought from Leon's Dad to give to Ariana as a present," I said as I walked over slowly, knowing just how to approach, and her eyes narrowed and she hissed a warning. I stopped where I was, and slowly began to change. When finished, I gazed up at her as she peered down at me. One of her ears tweaked, and she jumped down onto the floor near me.

"Why are you here, and what were you doing in human form with the vampires?" she asked, her voice sounding like the angel's voices of Heaven, and I smiled inside. She was talking to me! I sat down and gazed over at her.

"I'm their friend, a wild demon. I don't belong to a family," I said carefully as I sniffed the air, breathing in her alluring scent and her ears perked straight up with interest.

"How is it that you have no owners? You are one in a million," she said as she walked over carefully, and sniffed my face so I did the same. Curiosity hung in the air around us, and rubbed my paw over my face getting rid of an itch that was bothering me.

"I don't really know. I grew up this way without my parents and met Leon and Devin. I became their friend because I guess I'm different," I said softly, unsure of why I was alone without any masters, or living with a vampire family. She curled her tail around her legs and sat there before me, her eyes boring into mine.

"Your very lucky. I've been passed down through large, wealthy families so I'm used to what I am. The little girl here treats me very well, as does her father," she said as she turned and trotted away with me in tow. We headed towards the kitchen where the others were, and Ariana glanced down at us from her seat on a stool.

"Li? Is that you?" she asked with a bright smile as she reached down and picked me up in her arms, and cuddled me gently. She was such an adorable little girl. I glanced down at River who waited there patiently and Ariana smiled and held out her arm as she jumped up and curled around her shoulders.

"I see you've met River. You know, seeing you two are alike you'd make a cute couple!" she said excitedly as I blinked and looked up at River, who was regarding me carefully. Analyzing. Leon raised an eyebrow as if she were crazy and suggested something out of this world, while Devin laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing. It works out perfectly," he said with a glance down at me, and winked as I tweaked my ear back catching River's sigh. She didn't seem very interested in the least. I felt a little disappointed. I changed back into a human and leaned against the counter top.

"So what's on the agenda for today...or tonight rather," I said sheepishly as Leon sighed with a shrug, and Devin pondered while gazing at the ceiling.

"How about you and I head over to the Bar tonight and play some pool or something," Leon suggested with a raised eyebrow and I regarded him and than Devin who looked left out.

"Or how about we do that here instead? Use your pool table and turn on some music? I can go get the beer," I said with a simple shrug. It didn't bother me, that and I didn't want Devin to be left home alone with just Ariana. He sighed and shrugged, drinking the rest of his blood that he poured.

"Whatever you say," he said as nodded and placed his cup in the sink and disappeared. Devin smiled over me sheepishly, scratching the side of his head.

"Thanks Li...I really didn't want to be stuck here alone," he said as I patted him on the shoulder and walked off towards the entrance, and grabbed the keys from the table near the door.