Status: Updates Every Wednesday

Vampire's Pet

Chapter Six

I glanced around the corner, watching the young demon named Li walk towards the doors. I felt compelled to follow him. Ariana must have noticed that I was itching to go with him, because she giggled.

"I'm sure Daddy wouldn't mind if you went with him for a drive. Ask Li if he can get me some candy from the store too while he's there!" she said happily as I jumped off her shoulder and flew towards the door. I got there just as he was about to walk out and ran in front of him. He stared down at me as I climbed up his side and curled around his shoulders. He smiled and headed towards the Hummer, and opened the car door. I jumped down onto the middle section and sat there watching him climb in.

"Are you sure it's alright if you come with me?" he asked carefully, wanting to make sure that neither of us would get into trouble. I nodded without saying a word. He smiled and started the vehicle, turning down the music that was a little too loud for cat ears.

We drove off through the night and I leaned forwards gazing up at the stars shinning in the sky, and wondered what it was like to be free. I felt my small white wings burning to come out and soar the skies, but I held them back. I noticed that he was watching me carefully with suspicious eyes.

"I know what you are now," he said than as he stopped a red light and I glanced over at him, unfazed. It didn't surprise me. Not feeling compelled to keep them hidden any longer, I released the magical binds on my wings stretching them out.

"Your a Faywing," he said referring to our ancestors who were indeed winged beasts. I knew I was rare, and also one of the last Faywing's in the world. Others were poached for their furs, ears, and feathers. Faywings are all different colors just like me with the same dusty trail left behind from our fur. We were unique creatures.
He pulled into the parking lot to the store and jumped out.

"I'll be right back," he said before closing the door and I just sat there and waited patiently. He was a very handsome demon indeed.

In his true form he was like me with medium length light chocolate brown fur and soft hazel brown eyes that held a warm light to them. In human form, he was just as handsome. Intriguing as well.

I was roused from my thoughts when I heard a meow and jumped over onto the next seat and glanced out the window to see a pitch black cat sitting there with glowing green eyes. He stretched his paw up towards the window, his tail swishing back and forth carefully and he meowed.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked carefully as I stuck my head out the window to regard him carefully. His eyes met mine and he sat carefully, no longer attempting to get inside the vehicle.

"I've run away from my Vampire family, but now I have no where to go. They were a rude family, especially their children," he said in a childlike voice. I blinked and that's when I re focused and saw that he was still young, just over being a kitten.

"My vampire family is nice believe it or not. The Dragons Family," I said as I jumped out the window before the black smaller kitten, and he crouched down before me.

I felt a motherly instinct come over me as I walked over and began cleaning him carefully. He began to purr as he sat there, welcoming the affection and help that I showed him. Just than the door opened and the kitten freaked, backing between my legs for safety as Li walked out. He stared down at me with wide eyes, when his pupils turned to slits.

"What are you doing outside the car? Someone could kidnap you!" he cried as he walked over and opened the door for me. I reached down and picked the kitten up by his neck and jumped inside.

"Your taking me home with you?" he asked softly, peering up at me with such adorable eyes and I licked his forehead.

"Yes. Your too young to be stranded out in the streets alone with no one else," I said as Li closed the door and climbed in the other side, setting the back down and that's when he saw the little one and his ears went back.

"Uh-uh, there's no way your taking that home with us," he said clearly as he left the door open and waited, but I just glared at him warningly and went back to grooming.

"I'm serious, he can't come back with us. I'll get in trouble, and so will you," he stated matter of factually as he regarded us, and I looked to him.

He's just a kitten. I can't just abandon him out here all alone. His family mistreated him but I know the Dragons won't.

I watched him sigh with the shake of his head and closed the door, letting me know that I won. I glanced down at the little one that was curled up beside me, watching Li with curiosity.

"So little one, what's your name?" I asked softly as I nuzzled the side of his face, and he just sat there a purred.

"Well they named me Rex, but my real name is Alex," he said softly, his voice cracking from maturity and I licked his ears gingerly, making sure that he was presentable.

Once we made it, Alex stared up at the manor with wide eyes and I turned to Li and jumped around his shoulders. Alex stumbled over, almost falling in between the seats and almost did until Li caught him and carried him inside. Immediately Ariana was at the door and stared at the sight.

"Wow! Where did you find him? This is Collette's kitten, Rex! She mistreated this poor thing," she said as she rushed over and took him from Li's hands and I jumped over and slung around her shoulders.

"River, did you find him?" she asked as I reached down and placed my paw on Alex's head and he played with it as she giggled.

"We should go and ask Daddy if we can keep him," she said as she turned and I glanced at Li again just as we turned the corner.

We arrived at Mr. Dragons study and as soon as the door opened, I jumped over onto his lap as he blinked with surprise. I meowed and glanced back at Ariana, who placed the kitten on his desk. He removed his glasses, to get a better look at him and stared.

"Where did you find this little guy?" he asked as he reached over, and Alex cowered at first. I made a soft noise to reassure him and he relaxed as the master picked him up and placed him against his chest. He meowed, a high pitched noise and Ariana squealed.

"He's so cute Daddy! This is the one that I was telling you about! Collette's family abuses him. He must have ran away!" she cried with her arms folded over her chest, a pout in place obviously angry with her friend Colette.

Mr. Dragons smiled down at him and stroked his tiny body and he purred loudly and gazed up at him with adoring eyes.

"Alright, you can keep him but after this no more pets," he said seriously with a raised eyebrow as he handed Ariana Alex, and she smiled brightly and rushed over to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you Daddy, I love you!" she cried as she ran out the door, and I glanced down at Alex who looked extremely happy and comfortable in the little girl's arms.