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Vampire's Pet

Chapter Eight

I knew that something bad was going to happen if they changed right now. Someone would walk in or their Dad would show up and than we'd be in trouble.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Someones going to catch us," I said with a worried frown, backing away from the pool table and Ariana rushed over, wrapping her little arms around my waist half way and she peered up at me imploringly.

"Please don't tell Daddy! I really want to see River in human form! I bet she's beautiful!" she cried as she released me and rushed over, leaning against the table to look at River, who looked concerned along with Alex who looked frightened.

"River, I want to see you in your true form...please?" she asked softly and I swallowed as a shimmering dust surrounded her, and in a matter of seconds a young woman was kneeling down on one knee, looking straight down at the little girl, whose eyes widened. I was shocked myself. She was magnificent.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Devin's jaw dropped and Leon's eyes were popping out in amazement. Her long silvery hair was put up in a ponytail, held with thick strong hair sticks leaving the rest to cascade down to her waist. Aquamarine streaks ran throughout her silvery white hair and the fur from her cat form covered her chest and created a skirt. Her aquamarine eyes shone brightly, and her face was exquisitely shaped. She was a goddess. One of her white ears twitched when I swallowed and she turned to look at me.

Suddenly she jumped down from the pool table and turned to smile down at Alex, who stared up at her with wide eyes and meowed. She reached out with delicate hands and picked him up with a warm smile.

It's alright Alex, you can show yourself to them

I blinked, hearing what she had said and realized that Alex was scared because of his last master's and I smiled.

She's right, don't be afraid Alex. These are nice people

I saw both of them glance over towards me, River with a knowing smile and Alex with wondrous eyes. At that moment, River placed him back on the table and he began to change. Soon, a young boy appeared there with the same hair as me only his eyes were blue and small black cat ears formed on his head. He looked frightened as he sat there on the edge of pool table with his head down. River smiled as she walked over and tilted his head upwards as he stared.

"It's okay Alex. Don't be afraid," she said softly, her voice light and reassuring as the others just stared and Ariana's face turned red as she stared at Alex. They were around the same age.

"Y-your Alex?" she asked as she pointed straight at him, and he blinked at first but than turned red and looked away sheepishly.

"Yeah...that's me," he said softly and I smiled, leaning back to watch them carefully. Leon walked over and stood beside River, who knew he was there, but didn't acknowledge him.

"So this is what you look like hm?" he asked quietly so the others wouldn't hear, but my ears perked up and she turned her head to regard him carefully.

"Yes, it is. Is there something wrong?" she asked carefully with narrowed eyes, her tail swishing back and forth with annoyance and he merely shrugged.

"Your not half bad. I should probably take you out to get you more clothing. You can't go walking around like that," he said with a raised eyebrow as he regarded her get up, and she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Her eyes met mine than and I blinked, suddenly startled by the depth of her eyes.

"Alex and I will go with him," she said clearly as all eyes turned to me and I blinked in confusion.

"Why me? They are your owners after all," I said sheepishly with a frown and Leon nodded with his arms folded.

"He does have a point, we are the ones that are supposed to care for you, not him," he said with a thumb pointing back at me, and I nodded. As much as I wanted to take her out and spend time with her, I knew that wasn't going to be possible. Ariana walked over to me than and grasped my hand and I stared down at her with wide eyes.

"I think River and Alex should go with Li! He deserves to make friends with others like him," she said with a glare over at her brother, who said nothing and regarded her with narrowed eyes for what seemed like forever. Suddenly he shrugged.

"Whatever. Less work for me," he said simply with the wave of his hand dismissively, and I chuckled sheepishly. Alex glanced over at me and treated me to a toothy grin as Ariana blushed at the sight of him, and I scratched the back of my head. Oh boy...