‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

Birthday Party

Sam walked down the halls in her new outfit. A red plaid skirt, her white shirt with the buckled sleeves and her combat boots with fish net leggings. She'd changed over the past few months and she couldn't be happier. She actually wore skirts, but only if they were from Hot Topic or her new favorite store, Rue 21. She and Clare grew even closer as friends (they even call each other sister) while her and Adam were more like brother and sister. And as for Eli; They couldn't be happier together.

The Summer came and went which meant Eli would now be in his last year, and Sam knew this. She had two years left which really depressed her. She didn't want to be away from Eli while he went to collage. She could barely stand to be away from him for the week nights.

Over the past few months alot had happened. Shelby broke up with Jim after only four dates due to the fact he had a wife. The film the kids planned had raised 400 dollars and the local theater has asked it to be played there til they had something better.

Sam's little creeper friend was still messaging her but only every few days. She hadn't told Eli about this because she thought it would be too hard to control what he thought about it. Also, the fact that she was pregnant? Sam realized she wasn't after she got her period a few days after she and Eli got together. She was relived to find this out, as was Eli.

Sam opened her locker as she thought of the night before. She couldn't believe how good it had been.

Eli took her hand and pulled her close, whispering into her ear, "I love you," His voice sent chiils down Sam's spine as she replied.

"I love you, too, Eli." Her smile was wide on her pale face.

Eli had pulled her closer so their lips lightly touched,

Sam's face turned dreamy as she leaned against the locker.

"Sammy!" Clare had ran over and hugged her, tearing Sam's daydream out of her head.

"Clare!" She grinned as they giggled. "I missed you last night," she pouted.

Clare's face mocked Sam's. "I know. My parent's had to take me to my aunts."

"Did you say hi to Steve?" Sam winked.

"Who's this 'Steve'?" Eli asked as he walked over with a tiny box in his hand.

Sam smirked; something she learned from Eli. "Nobody. Whats the box for?"

Eli took her hand lighty, spun her around as if to dance with her, and then pulled her closer to him. "It's something I meant you to have last night," He handed her the box as he got down on one knee. "Samantha," he smiled as he looked up at her. Sam and Clare both gasped. He opened the box slowly reviling a necklace in the shape of a heart. It sparkled with little diamonds all around it as it hung off a silver chain. "I don't have a ring, yet, but I'd love to know that you'll be mine forever." He said in his fake Irish accent.

Sam giggled before saying, "I'd love to."

Eli smiled, standing up and getting the necklace out. "Lift your hair m'lady."

Sam lifted her hair out of the way as he slid the necklace onto her neck and kissed it softly. More chills were sent down her back as she let her hair down. "How could you-"

"Have enough?" Eli finished for her. "I didn't steal it- if that's what you're asking." He chuckled.

"I don't doubt you did," Clare said with a smirk.

Eli stuck his tongue out at her. "As I was saying- I actually had almost to enough. I've saved everything from my Summer job to buy this for you. The rest came from my dad." A blush spread from his cheeks.

Sam giggled and kissed him lightly. They linked arms as they walked down the hall.

Sam and Adam sat in her room later that day. They were talking about an English paper they had to write together.

"I think we should write a vampire love story," Sam's eyes sparkled.

Adam groaned. "We should write about a video game. How about something like Fable? Or New Vegas?"

Sam made a face. "How are we going to write about that? New Vegas is nothing but monsters and one dude saving it. And Fable.. Well I can see how we could write about that; but a video game?"

"You love video games." Adam crossed his arms.

"Well yeah but-"

There was a knock at the door as Shelby walked in. "I have to run out for a bit. Mind if I'm gone for a few hours?" She asked.

"Sure mom. Have fun." Sam smiled.

"Thanks and happy birthday, Angel." Shelby winked and walked off.

Sam groaned as Adam stood up. "Right, I forgot to give this to you at school." He dug through his bag and handed her a red box. It was bigger than the box Eli had had.

"Oh my god, now I see it." Sam giggled as she took the box. "Eli didn't forget he just gave me his gift without telling me happy birthday." She smirked.

Adam shrugged. "He knew you didn't want any and he was scared you'd hit him if he did say thats what it was for. So to make you think he forgot he gave it to you the day before. Oh, and that's from me and Clare." He grinned.

"Is everybody giving gifts to me the day before?" She giggled as she unwrapped the tape.

"You said you wanted nothing on your birthday." Adam grinned.

"I see my mistake." Sam smirked as she tore off the lid. She gasped as she picked up a white box with pictures on the side. "A JCV camera?"

"With night vision." Adam grinned.

"Oh, I love you guys!" She giggled and hugged Adam. "Now, where's Clare so I can tackle her?"

"She's on her way! But she wanted you to go ahead and open it incase you tried to hit her.." Adam stepped back a little as if his words would make her go off.

Sam giggled and opened it. She picked it out of the case and opened it. "Oh my god, thats awesome!" She squealed.

She and Adam laughed as they waited on Clare to get there.

Not but five minutes later there was a knock on her bed room door. Clare had let herself in since they all knew where the extra key was hidden.

She peaked into the room. "Is it save? I brought a friend." She smiled as She opened it wider and Holly J, Alli, Fiona, Sav and Drew were standing there.

"A friend? Thats one. You brought a few." Sam smirked. She realized she and Adam were in PJs.

"Don't worry about that." Clare waved a hand. "This is a sleep over. We're all going to wear PJs." She grinned.

And then Sam realized everybody was wearing them.

The doorbell rang as Clare skipped over to get it. "Did everybody have to come?" Sam laughed.

"Yes, well. They said that you didn't want a part or gifts on your birthday so they said we'd do it the night before." Sav girnned as he handed her a small square package.

Clare ran in. "More people are here." She grinned as Eli, Dave, Anya, Wesley, Riley, and Zane.

Fiona and Holly J were wearing the same thing: red cotton night gowns with slippers to match. They walked over and both handed Sam two boxes wrapped with star paper. "I wasn't sure what to get you," Fiona admitted. "so I just got you this hoping you would like it." She smiled.

Sam took them and opened them both up. Inside Fiona's was a messenger bag. Purple plaid and with Rock Lives on the front. "Thank you!" She smiled and hugged her. Next she opened Holly J's which was a new iPod.

Over the Summer, Sam threw her iPod at Fitz which made it break into a million pieces. But in Sam's mind, it was worth it.

"Thank you, Holly J," Sam grinned and hugged her.

Before too long Sam had opened all her presents and thanked everybody. She had got a new xbox game from Riley and Zane, Sav gave her a skateboard and fee lessons. Alli had given her some gloves, a phone cover, an iPod cover, and a few nice bras from Rue 21. Wesley gave her a sign that said Come In If You Dare, to go on her door and a poster of Harry Potter. Anya gave her a Starbucks card along with a pair of new boots with buckles around them. She got a cd from her favorite band from Dave and a full two seasons of her favorite tv show from Drew.

After about an hour of dancing, gossiping and messing around, they were all hungry.

"I can make popcorn." Clare said.

"I'll go grab some sodas." Anya smiled following Clare out of the room.

Holly J stood up and followed. "I'll get other unhealthily snacks."

"The rest of us will pick out a movie." Fiona smiled as she walked over to the tv. "Shout out what genre you guys want."

There were alot of, "horror!" and, "romance!" from the few people that were there. Finally they all decided on a horror, Bloody Mary.

With people sitting on the couch, chairs, floor and a mattress that was pulled in the living room, the movie started. Sam was sitting on Eli who was on the couch along with Adam and Fiona. Clare had sat in the floor beside Eli's feet.

Sam took a sip as the movie began.

"Nice rack!" Drew whistled as they showed a girl underground, totally naked another than a small thong she was forced to wear.

Alli hit him upside the head. "Girlfriend here?" She said.

"Come on, Alli. It's just a movie. He can look but will never touch." Sam smirked.

"But why look when a guy already has a pair to look at right in front of him." Eli pulled her shirt down a little from the neck.

Sam slapped his hand. "Hey now," She knew he was smirking at her so she turned her attention back to the tv where four other girls were panicking over how long she'd been in there.

Everybody in that room jumped as soon as they heard a scream. Girls hid faces into guy's chests while the guys held them close.

The next morning Sam woke up to see a sleeping Eli holding her on the mattress. Sav was beside her while Dave was at her feet. She looked around and saw Clare laying on the couch with Wesley beside her. In a chair, Fiona was sitting on Adam while he was holding her. And Holly J and Ayna were holding each other on the floor. Sam giggled at the thought of them being together. She thought it would be funny but she knew they weren't like that.

Riley was in the kitchen as Sam noticed. She gently got up and tip-toed beside him.

"What's up?" She asked, sitting on her mothers counter.

Riley shrugged and leaned against the fridge. "I couldn't sleep. That last movie got to me." He chuckled.

"Aw. It's just a movie, sweetie." Sam giggled and patted his shoulder.

"I know. I never really liked scary movies." He pouted.

Sam giggled and took his coke away from him, taking a sip of her own. "So whens try outs?" She asked.

"Next saturday. I don't know if I want to play this year or not," Riley looked paler than usual. Sam couldn't help wondering what was wrong.

"Why not?" She asked and handed him his drink back.

"My parents want me to move. They say that I shouldn't go to Degrassi this year." Sam gave him a weird look as he continued, "they say since I'm gay, I should go to an all girls school because I don't need a boyfriend."

"Thats not right." Sam crossed her arms. "You and Zane are perfect. And theres nothing wrong with being gay."

Riley smiled. "I'm glad you think so. But others don't."

Sam jumped down from the counter. "Well then they are blind and stupid. You're still a person."

A sleepy Fiona walked into the kitchen rubbing her head. "Morning." She muttered.

"Sleep well?" Riley asked.

"Yeah. But I kept dreaming about that last movie." She shuddered.
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haaha First chapter! I was gonna wait awhile more to start this but i started having so many ideas that I just decided to do this now xD