‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

Could It Be?

The doorbell rang as Sam walked ito the living room. She bit her lip and opened the door carefully.

"Sammy!" She was tackled in a bear hug by two people.

"Jordan! Alexa!" She grinned. Her brother and sister were the ones she was choking from.

"How've you been doing?" Jordan asked, standing back and viewing his little sister. "Lookin' good!" He grinned.

"I'm fine!" Sam giggled and looked at Alexa. "Why the hell are you guys here? I thought Jordan was in college and you were a day away from me." She pouted.

Alexa giggled and said, "We missed are sister!" She had the most girliest voice.

"Yeah," Jordan pouted as Sam kissed his cheek. "Y'all are here now!" She grinned. "How long are ya here for?"

"I'm moving back in." Alexa grinned.

Jordan raised his hand. "Ooo, oooo! I'm here for a month." He had the biggest grin on his face.

Sam and Alexa screamed and hugged again.

"What's going on?" Fitz walked out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

Sam looked over at him. "Fitz! This is my brother and sister, Jordan and Alexa."

Fitz slightly waved at them.

"Samantha. Is this your boyfriend?" Jordan asked, crossing his arms.

"No! This is a friend. He's almost another brother to me." Sam smiled and hugged Fitz.

He chuckled. "That was her idea, not mine."

Jordan laughed. "So where's mom?"

Sam shrugged. "She was here when I fell asleep."


Fitz and Jordan sat in the kitchen, talking about school and sports while Alexa and Sam sat in the living room talking about boys and movies.

"So, you remember Timmy Haul?" Alexa asked.

Sam nodded. "Sure, the short one with no hair."

"He was at boot camp!" Alexa whined. "Anyways, he's back. And he says he wanted to ask me out." She bit her lip.

Sam's mouth dropped open. "What did you say?"

"I just told him I was moving and couldn't." Alexa sighed.

Sam opened her mouth to say something but heard her phone go off.

From: Clare
Whatcha doing? Like to go shopping with me and adam?

"Guys!" Sam called into the kitchen. They stopped fighting over some sport and looked over at her. "Want to go shopping? You guys can meet a few of my other friends." She smiled.

"Sure!" Jordan smiled.

"I'm up for it." Fitz nodded.

Alexa giggled. "Any cute ones?"

Sam laughed. "A few. But the ones we're going with, you may not like to date."

To: Clare
Sure! Mind if I bring Fitz and my brother and sister?

From: Clare
Meet you there in ten minutes!

Sam smiled and they all went to get ready. As soon as she walked into her room, her phone went off twice.

From: Eli
We have got to talk. Tonight.

From: Unknown
I see you are spending the day with friends and family. Care for me to join?

She threw her phone on her bed. How did he know!?

She looked down the hallway to see Fitz and Jordan changing in Fitz's room. Could it be Fitz? Or possibly Jordan? Her own brother?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep. I dont put "unknown" in here very much. you'll probably fine out why soon. depends on if i feel like being nice and going ahead and giving it away xD

Who do you think Mr. (Or Ms.) Unknown is? Is it a friend? Family? Or somebody that hasn't been in the story yet? Leave a comment! I like to know who yall think it is xD

Sub if a love?