‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

Could It Be?

She picked up the last bite, stuffing her mouth with the taste she could not stand. But she had to do it. She wasn't sure what would happen if she had ignored this person. She hated how he treated her, hated that he picked on her over every other person in the world.

But she supposed it was better her than some ten year old girl that had no idea what was going on or how to control it. Of course, neither did Sam.

She almost gagged as she swallowed the last piece. She hoped she never had to do this again. She grabbed a napkin, wiped her lips, and sat it on her lap once more. Taking a sip of her drink, letting the cool glass touch her lips, the liquid drip down her throat, she saw somebody peaking in the window at her. But before she could get a better look, the figure had gone.

"Are you... alright, Sammy?" Alexa was the first to speak up.

Sam's thoughts stopped as she looked at her younger sister and faked a small smile. "I'm fine." She heard her phone vibrating in her pocket. She got it out to read:

From: Unknown
Good job. Will you do everything I say? I hope so, or somebody gets hurt.

She sighed, knowing there was to be more to come. More that she did not want, nor could do. But she was scared this guy would seriously hurt a friend, or family.

"So, how's mom been?" Jordan asked as he ate on his salad. Sam had never known him to eat salad before, this threw her off.

"I'm assuming she's fine." She shrugged. She didn't want to be the one to tell them the news. She rather them find out since they weren't exactly on speaking terms with their mother.

Jordan nodded as he sipped his drink. Sam looked back out the window, thinking. Who could this be? it couldn't be family. Her mother? No, no not her mother. Her mother didn't know how to text, yet alone get her voice that deep. Unless it had been two different people. At first it may have been somebody just wanting to scare her, now it's somebody wanting to hurt her.

She looked up at Fitz and Adam who were in deep discussion about some fighting game that had recently came out. She studied Fitz, thinking maybe he had something to do with it. And maybe he did- at first. Maybe now it wasn't him. Maybe now it was...

Sam gasped as her phone started to ring. Everybody at the table watched her as she got out her phone and looked at the ID.

"Sam?" Clare asked.

She sighed, relieved it wasn't 'unknown.' She looked over at Clare and smiled. "Sorry. I'm not used to having Lady Gaga as my ring tone. That's all." She nodded as she looked back at her phone, smile gone.

"Who is it?" Adam looked over at her phone and smacked Sam's shoulder. "Answer!"

Sam groaned a 'no' as she put her phone on the table. Adam picked it up, pressed the small green phone on the front pad, and held it up to Sam's ear before she could get a single word in.

"S-Sam?" Eli's voice seemed like he were shaking.

She rolled her eyes, taking the phone and holding it herself. "What do you want?" She asked in a not-so-nice voice.

"Sam, can we talk?"


"Sam, I need you." Sam wanted to cry from the sound of his breaking voice.

"If you needed me, you shouldn't have done what you did." She slammed her phone down on the table before picking up her drink, once again letting it touch her lips.

Everybody looked at her, waiting.

"Who..?" Alexa started to say but Clare shook her head. "So. Nice day, huh? Let's go to a park?" She tried to smile, but nobody else was.

Fitz watched Sam carefully. "It was him, wasn't it?" He asked. Sam nodded, staring down at her bloody plate. "Block his number. Change schools, Samantha."

Sam jumped. She couldn't remember Fitz using her first name and it scared her. He wasn't happy, nobody was right now. They were all too worried about her and Eli. She believed they must be tired of it by now. All this drama that had gone on between them, some that had been unnecessary. She regret ed meeting him. Wished she could go back to the day her mother said they were moving. Wished she could have stayed with her aunt Tammy, like she planned on anyway.

This was her future. She was going to stay with her aunt and stay away from drama. Stay away from the boy that broke her heart and the friends that were annoyed by all of her mopping and whining and yelling. She couldn't take them being mad, couldn't take the fact that she was sure her mother wouldn't like this. She sighed, knowing what she had to do.

"I'm leaving," She murmured as she stood up and walked slowly out of The Dot. She heard Jordan yell after her but knew Alexa and Adam would stop him. They knew to just let Sam walk out. She wouldn't go back in there for a while.

She would call her aunt today, pack tonight, and hopefully leave tomorrow. She could move there over her Degrassi break and enter into a new school before their break was up. Most schools by now where having a few weeks break. No reason, really. It was just a random break to see if kids could remember stuff they were taught. Well, in Sam's mind, anyway.

She watched her feet as she walked down the sidewalk, a few rain drops had splashed it. She let a small tear roll down her freckled cheek as she hugged her arms to herself. She knew this day would come. The day she would lose pretty much everything. She was about to lose friends and her family. She'd already lost something she didn't want to; her love. Even though she didn't want to admit it, she was in love with Elijah Goldsworthy. He was the first guy she could actually feel save with, felt like she'd be protected. When she was with him, she wasn't worried as much about this unknown person as she was right now. Right now she was terrified.

The wind picked up; blowing her brown hair over her shoulder. More rain drops fell to their death, or new life. Clouds moved in over the young girls head as she walked into an alley. Thunder roared as her phone started to play 'Poker Face.' She ignored it, trying to listen to nothing but the sound of kids laughing far away. Wishing it were her laughing instead. The wind blew harder, almost knocking the little girl down.

Sam came to realize where she was. She was near the park where she could remember Eli watching her. Stalking her, maybe. Before they got together she had come to this park to think. She was feeling weak that day and wanting to leave but she noticed a boy dressed in all black. He was watching every move she made, every thing she did, he would smirk at her. Finally he came over when he saw her pull out a knife and place it on her arm. He told her cutting wouldn't fix anything. He'd been right. He helped her out of that swing and into his hearse which was a little way from the park. He drove her home, took care of her until Shelby came back from work. That was a day Sam never wanted to forget but now she wanted to re-do it. Never had went. Just stayed at home that day. It was too late.

She walked over to that same swing as her phone started playing it's tone again. She sighed, knowing they were looking for her. Knowing they'd find her soon enough. For now she just wanted to enjoy being out in a storm.

Rain started to pour from the sky. As if somebody had just poured a large bucket over her head. Lightning traveled through the sky- lighting everything. Her hair stuck to her face and the back of her neck. Her clothes were soaked; sticking to her skin. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket once more. Finally, she took it out and shut it off. She was tired of having so many friends that cared. It was once something she wanted, almost needed. Now she didn't want them. She wanted to go back to the days she could spend alone. She never really needed a phone because the only person in it that she talked to was her mother who never had any time to talk with her daughter at the time.

There were mothers running into the park to pick up their kids. Sam watched as one small girl, only about five, tried to jump into a puddle, slipped, and went face first into the dirt. The mom ran over as she picked her crying baby up and carried her to the car. She wondered if her mother ever did that to her. Just picked her up all so caring and tried to calm her. Or if she always made somebody else to this for her. As long as she could remember, Sam's mom has always been a busy woman. She doesn't remember very many times she actually stopped to spend a day alone with her.

Sam let more tears fall down her pale face. She couldn't stop these thoughts from entering her head. It was like something wanted her to think them. Wanted her to know how horrible her life has always been.

She looked up into the sky, watching little birds fly away from their worries. Sam showed a small sign of smalling but that faded when she heard her name being called. Turning around, she saw Eli running towards her. He was soaked to the bone as well. She guessed one of the others called him as soon as she left The Dot. Why, she did not know. They knew she hated him. But today, she did not wish to fight. She wanted him to take her home and leave. That was all she wanted right now.

"Sammy!" Eli ran over trying to catch his breath. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. Sam couldn't speak, she was too cold to. She was shaking almost violently. Eli picked her up gently, holding her in both arms like she were his new bride carrying her over the threshold. He took her to his hearse just like last time. Setting her gently into the seat and buckling her up. He got in the drivers side and drove. Sam wasn't sure where they were going. Her vision blacked out from time to time. "What were you doing out in a storm like this? And in a park miles from home?" He looked over at the girl. He knew she wouldn't answer. Instead, he stopped at a stop sign, took off his jacket and laid it around her. Sam didn't notice this. She was too cold to feel anything. Her body going numb from the rain drops.

Eli sighed, not wanting to watch her this way. He turned down a road and continued to drive.
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I am happy with this chapter. I probably won't update until Sunday because I am going to daddys and Mibba doesn't work on his laptop very well.

Comment? Sub? xD