‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

Eli's Room

He watched the young girl sleeping on the bed. He couldn't take the pain he knew she'd be feeling.

Eli set his hand on the girls, wishing she were awake. Her hand slowly closed around his, holding tightly. A small smile spread across his face as he remembered those days they'd spend together.

He'd brought her to his house, not wanting to explain to her mother what was going on. Though, his parents had asked him what went on, too. He just told them that she was tired and fell asleep and he wasn't sure if her mom was home.

Sam turned over in her sleep, letting his hand fall onto the edge of the bed. He set her in his room since he never went into his parents room and there was no where else in this house to lay her down. He hoped his parents would leave soon so he could take her out into the living room. He didn't want her to see his room.

Eli sighed as turned his head towards the door. Looking at all the stuff, he felt pain. He didn't want to live like this, so why did he? He couldn't bring himself to throw anything away. Yet, he couldn't bare to live like this. His life was hell, and he knew it. He was living in his own filth. Living in something he wanted gone.

He bent down to pick up a rag he was told to throw away two months ago, instead he hid it in his room. He threw it across the bed and onto a shelf that held some books he read as a child. He was told to take those to a pre-school a few years ago, he never did so he stuck them on a shelf to be forever forgotten.

There were popcorn buckets laying in a row by his broken tv. On his tv, there were socks that had holes all in them. And a shirt that was stained from last month when he had spilled food all over himself.

He stood up and walked over to his closet to shut the door, though this proved to be impossible since everything else was blocking the door.


He snapped his head towards the female. She had rolled back over on her side and was actually smiling.

"S-sam?" He slowly walked back over to her, trying not to step on anything to break it. He reached her as he smiled. She looked so much like an angel while she slept. Though, she always did to Eli. He had long forgotten the talent show. Okay, so he didn't. But he knew she couldn't have meant it. She was just hreatbroken as he was. He could forgive her for that, this once.

Sam made a face as she opened her eyes and looked up at him. Eli stopped all movement, not wanting her to wake just yet.

"Eli?" She looked confused as she lifted her head from the pillow, still laying on her side. Eli's old shirt he put on her fell just a small bit to where he could see her bra underneeth. He chose not to look, fearing he'd lose something in return.

He smiled a little. "Yes?"

"What the hell am I do-" She sat up and looked around his room slowly. "You brought me to a junk yard?" She asked.

Eli's smile faded. "This is uh-- welcome to my room." He muttered.

Sam's face was shocked as she picked up some old boxers laying beside her on the nightstand. Throwing it across the room, it landed on a stack of boxes filled to the top with old papers. She made another face as she pointed to a plate with something green on it. "What is that?"

Eli looked to where she'd been pointing and blushed."It's some Play-Doh."

Sam nodded her head as she threw the blue-ish blankets off of her. "Where the hell are my clothes? And why am I here? I told you I didn't want to talk." She didn't seem happy, but she didn't seem to mad either. This made Eli feel a little better.

He pushed his hands into his pockets as he watched the ground which was covered in dirty clothes and papers. "Well when you left The Dot yesterday, Clare called me and asked for me to go out looking for you because you just left and she got worried. I knew you'd be at that park so I went there and saw you about to pass out and I brought you back here because I didn't know what to do." He shrugged.

"Uh huh," Sam stood up. "Well, bye." She walked out the door.

"Sam!" Eli ran after her.
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sorry for any mistakes! i was in a hurry! but anyways.. see ya xD