‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved


Sam stormed outside still wearing Eli's clothes, not caring what she looked like. It was storming outside still. Clouds were dark as could be while thunder would hit every now and then. The wind blew newspapers and trash around the roads. No rain fell, yet. But it was cold. Sam hugged herself, trying to stay warm as she looked down the street. A small puppy ran into a house, a little kid walked outside and dumped something yellow out of a bowel. And there was a single car sitting on the side of the road.

Where did everybody go? Normally this street was full of cars, not empty.

"Sam!" Eli called, running outside and stopped right behind her. "Sam, please listen to me. I am so--" Sam held up her hand to silence him.

Both teenagers looked around before they noticed it was a little too dark for four in the afternoon.

"Something isn't right." She muttered, trying to figure out what was going on. "How long was I asleep?"

Eli stared at the dark sky, and it was getting darker. "I'm not sure. But the sky hasn't been light since I got you from the park."

"I need to know where Jordan and Alexa are.." She muttered and got out her phone. She dialed the number but the annoying female voice suddenly was heard. "Shit. Alexa's phone is off. Call Fitz. I'll try Jordan and Adam." And She punched in Jordan's number.

Eli nodded, getting out his phone as she told him.

A car pulled up the small hill on the other side of Eli's house. Eli realized it was Cece's and Bullfrog's. The two stepped aside while the car parked and Cece got out.

"What are you two doing here? Why aren't you at school?" Her cool, motherly voice soothed Sam's ears. She loved to hear Cece talk.

"It's four pm, mom." Eli's confused face was adorable, Sam couldn't deny that.

Bullfrog chuckled. "Not for learning, Eli. It's going to storm really badly. Most of the town is going to the school to stay the night. The police say that it's the safest place right now."

Eli and Sam shared a look before Eli said, "We're leaving. Sam?" He held out a shaking hand to the girl. Sam made a face.

"Why don't I just go with Cece and Bullfrog?" She said.

Cece looked her up and down as if she were just meeting her for the first time. "Have you and Eli been doing the naughty?" She winked at her son.

Eli's cheeks turned a red color as Sam laughed. "Not with him, no. I'm surprised he could get any girl in his bed anymore."

Bullfrog and Cece looked at each other as Eli turned towards his hearse. Sam watched him slowly get in and close the door, not starting it. Just sitting there, holding the steering wheel and staring straight ahead. Sam felt a small pang of regret as she climbed into Bullfrog's car.

"What has our son done?" Cece asked as she closed the door and Bullfrog drove off towards Degrassi.

Sam stared out the window. Watching the cloud move in quicker, she swore she saw a cloud swirling down. The wind picked up, making the car shake a little as it drove down the bumpy road. She opened her lips but closed them again, unsure how to answer her ex boyfriends mother. "He-- he just wasn't what I thought, ma'am."

Cece turned around in her seat, sitting on her feet and resting her head on the head rest. Almost like a teenager would. "Sweetie, you can tell me. If he hurt you, we want to know. We taught Eli to respect women, but we know how little boy's are. They don't always like to follow rules." She smiled.

"Yeah, he sure doesn't." Sam sighed. "Did you know Eli drank?"

Cece looked confused, shocked even. "Our little boy?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. Eli. He used to drink. He got drunk because of me. He cheated, too." She continued to look out the window.

Not another word was said as the car parked at Degrassi and the three got out. Sam, still wearing Eli's clothes, walked inside to be attacked by Fitz, Clare Riley, and Sav.

"Where have you been?" Clare asked, obviously worried out of her mind. She had a cut down her left cheek and her hand looked burnt.

Sam started to ask but Riley asked, "Why are you wearing somebody elses clothes? I know that's not yours, it's too big."

"It's not mine. I've seen it before, is it Eli's?" Fitz's eyes grew bigger. "They are!"

"Samantha! You have some explaining to do." Sav crossed his arms. He, too, had a cut under his left eye, on his cheek.

Sam sighed and watched all of them. "Eli found me, took me home and--"

"RAPED YOU?!" Clare gasped. Half of the hallways stopped and looked at them. "Sorry," Clare nervously giggled and turned back to Sam. "Did he?!"

Sam groaned. "No, he did not. He just gave me his clothes because mine were soaked."

"Sam!" Shelby ran over, tummy poking out of her shirt. "I'm so glad you are okay!" She hugged her little girl as if it were the last time they'd see each other.

"Mom," Sam groaned and giggled. "How's little Sammy?" She winked at her mom. They have been fighting over it being a girl or boy. Sam wanted it to be a boy to name Sam. Shelby said it was a girl and they were going to name her Joyce. Both, of course, were kidding.

Shelby laughed, cearly in a good mood. "She is fine."

"He." Sam coughed as she smiled and walked over to Riley, winking as Zane walked over.

"How's my little sister?" He smiled and patted her shoulder.

Sam grinned. "Zane, no pats. Hugs." She opened her arms wide and hugged him tightly. not wanting to let go.

She felt safe as she hugged her friends. Hugs were her way of knowing she'd always have people that loved her, even if it wasn't that many.

Cece ran into the school as an alarm went off. The sound was horrible, almost like a cat that couldn't meow right. "Where's Eli? He should be here!" She yelled over the noise.

Sam and Clare shrugged, knowing that he probably just ran away from his problems again.

"Eli's missing?" Fitz asked. The sound got louder. People realized what was going on adn started screaming, yelling and running down the halls.

"He was right behind us a while ago, I went outside to wait on him and he was gone," Cece turned towards the window and watched as the wind grew. It started to blow things in circles.

"Maybe he went back home to get something." Riley shrugged.

Sam shook his head. "I know. He's probably trying to tough out the storm."

She, too, looked out the window. Plates, cups, newspaper, pieces of clothing and other trash swarm together and in circles around in the streets. The trees bent, some almost touching the ground. A table blew over and onto a car, which honked as if somebody just broke into it. Another car that was driving ran off the road and into the grass, finally stopping. A girl was blown down from the hard force.

"He can't be far." Clare said.

"Attention everybody, as you may have noticed the tornado alarm as been going off for a little while now. People have spotted it and advise everybody to stay indoors, as we are going to be locking them within the next thirty minutes." The announcement voice spoke. "Thank you, and have a good day."

Sam rolled her eyes as Bullfrog said, "We have to go find him."

Sam looked at him in shock. "In this weather?"

"He's our baby boy. You don't want us to leave him out there do you?" Cece asked.

"Yeah, Sam. He's still your boyfriend. Don't you want to save him?" Sav asked.

Sam groaned before saying, "We are not together. We broke up, and I don't care about him."

"Well, we're going to help." Cece, Bullfrog, Clare, and Sav ran out the door. Shelby along with them.

"Sorry, Sam." Fitz patted her shoulder and ran outside.

Riley looked at her, disappointed.

"What?" She asked.

"He's still in love with you, and you are still in love with him. You can't hide that. You have the chance to be with him so take it." He said.

Sam groaned but walked outside.
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