‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved


Sam hugged herself as the car bumped, making her hit her head onto the glass. She had decided to ride with Clare, Adam and Fitz. Fitz, of course, was driving Adam's mom's car. She was back at the school helping make sure people got there safely.

"Sam, where do you think he'd have gone?" Clare asked me, clearly more worried than Sam was.

Adam made a small noise from beside Sam. She looked over and saw him covering his face, looking a little pale. "No. Adam might. Right, Adam?"

Adam's head shot up quickly and stared at the girl. "H-how would I know?" He asked.

"Because you look like you do."

Fitz turned sharply, making all of them slam into the doors. Sam cried out as her shoulder brushed against the seat belt, burning her.

Adam sighed. "I don't think so. But he told me a few days ago that he wanted to.. drive into the river." He muttered the last part but it still brought a panic to Clare and Fitz. Sam hid her fear, knowing that if she showed emotion, she'd be in trouble. Of course, she was in trouble for showing no emotion as well.

"Why in hell would he do that?!" Fitz asked.

"He thinks he can't live without Sam."

"Samantha, you are talking to him." Clare turned around in her seat as thunder roared from above.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5--" Sam stopped counting as the lightning hit the tree they had just drove by.

Adam smacked her arm as if it was his life she was supposed to save. "Call him,"

"I'm not calling him. He's probably still at home."

"What if he's not?"

"Then he's driving into the river. Is this my fault he doesn't want to live?" Sam asked.

Fitz stepped on the brakes, making them all hit what was in front of them. Sam and Adam hit the front seats hard, giving Sam a headache, she groaned.

Fitz turned around in his seat and stared at her. "Samantha, that boy has been nothing but amazing to you. It was one slip up, stop being so damn stubborn. He's in love with you and while I may not understand why he did sleep with that girl, it's not his fault. She's gone now, history. He's been trying to make it up to you but you never let him. How would you feel if you slept with another guy and wanted to make it up to Eli but he never would give you the time of day? Huh?"

Sam held back her tears, knowing this time she went too far. Crossing her arms, she bit her lip and looked out the window into the fog. She could hardly see anything but the light pole he parked beside. And the thick rain that fell to the ground. More lightning lit up most of the town right before more thunder roared in it's place.

She couldn't help being stubborn, it was just her. Her mother always told her that she got it from her dad. Shelby was stubborn, but no where near as stubborn as her daughter. Sam felt the guilt run threw her, almost like electricity. There was a ball of words stuck in her throat that she wanted to yell at him with, yet she kept her mouth shut.

"There. Maybe that finally got to you." Fitz then turned around and continued his drive. "What river, Adam?"

Adam thought for a minute before Sam heard him mutter something. She couldn't understand him from the blood in her ears. She was upset, hurt. anger and depressed. She still loved Eli, she just wasn't sure she wanted to be with him. She didn't want to end up hurt again, but she already was. She just wanted a normal life without all the drama of fighting and cheating boyfriends and friends who didn't really like her. She just wished she would have stayed in her home town and not moved. But at the same time, she'd never felt better than being with Clare, Adam and Fitz. Right now, was not one of those good times. But most of the time, they had fun memories; and even more to make.

"Call him, Samantha." Adam handed her his phone. "Find out where he is."

Sam took the phone with a shaking hand. It felt cool against her warm skin. She chewed on her lip as she dialed his number slowly. Finally, she punched the last digit and pressed the speaker to her ear.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Adam, don't try to stop me. I am never coming back. I don't care if there is a storm, I am leaving. I don't know where the hell I am going but it's far from here. I can't deal with any of this anymore and I don't want to deal with it. I am never happy, I never will be happy--" Eli's voice was cut off by Sam's.

"Eli," She whispered. She was afraid to talk any higher, thinking she'd bust out into a million tears.

Eli paused for a second. Sam could almost hear his mind working. "S-Sam?" His voice went from pissed off to shaky.

"Please, Eli. Come back to the school. Don't be stupid. Don't do anything to harm yourself. Please come back." Her voice was begging. Worried, even.

"Y-you want me to come back?"

"Yes, Eli. Please,"
♠ ♠ ♠
okay SO. i am going to try my BEST to update tomorrow. alot of shit has been happening and i am hoiping i can update at least two chapters tomorrow because I am thinking about ending this story. At least for now. leave it in the comments if you guys want me to keep going longer or not. also, this WILL be the last of this story more than likely. for a while, anyway. But i have ideas, i just dont know if you guys will want to read much longer.

anyways. buh bye!