‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved


Sam chewed on her lip as Fitz drove them back to the school. Eli had promised her to be there, but he didn't sound too sure. She felt horrible about everything that happened over the past few days, wishing she could take it all back.

She laid her head against the head rest and sighed. Wishing, wanting, needing Eli to be fine. She raised her hand and brushed out her bangs with her fingers. She twirled them around and let them fall right back into her face. Her mind wouldn't stop thinking of horrible things that could have happened to him. She never realized how bad she'd treated him. Like he was some kind of animal that destroyed her whole house.

Outside, the weather was no better. The tallest trees decided it was time to fall over onto peoples cars, houses and bikes. Signs were blown over in the wind. They heard off the radio that somebody was even struck by lightning, and died. Sam feared the worst. All she could see were her friends laying on the side of the road and it would have been her fault if that thought became reality.

She could hear Adam and Clare talking faintly; as if they were on the other side of a door, yet they had been sitting right beside her. The sounds of the roaring thunder filled her ears as she looked out of her foggy window, not seeing much but the little rain drops falling from the car; almost like the car, itself, were crying.

"Sam," she could hear Fitz talking about her. She couldn't make up anything but her name. She wished she hadn't been herself at this point in fear they were going to yell again. "Sammy." His voice had been firm this time.

Shaking her head, she sat up and looked around. "What?" She asked, sounding as though she was just woken up from two days of sleeping.

"Are you okay?" Adam laid a hand on her knee, so caring.

She nodded and Clare pointed out of the window. "Isn't that Eli's hearse?"

Sam unbuckled as quickly as humanly possible as she leaned over the arm rest to peer out. "Yeah. What's he doing out here?"

Fitz pulled over and got out along with everybody else. Sam and Adam rushed over to Morty and opened the drivers seat.

There sat Eli, face bloody as if Sweeney Todd had slit his throat and all the blood splattered his face. His hands lay on the steering wheel like he were driving, but his eyes were closed. His chin rested on his chest.

"Eli!?" Sam took his shoulder in her hand and shook him gently. The boy didn't move, but made a groan.

"He's not dead." Adam seemed like he'd been holding his breath as he placed his hand on his heart.

Clare ran over and gasped. "Call 911!"

"They'll get here too late. Fitz, Adam. Take Eli to ths hospital. Me and Clare will go find his parents and explain." Sam looked up at the other three and rolled her eyes. "Now!"

Adam and Fitz grunted as they attempted to move Eli's body to Adam's mom's car. Clare and Sam took the hearse, Sam driving, of course.

"Is this a good idea?" Clare almost whined as she buckled up.

Sam shrugged her shoulders as she started the car and drove down the road.

A few minutes later Clare spotted Cece's and Bullfrog's car parked on the side of the road. The girls were already soaked as they got out into the ice cold rain. It felt like knives going into Sam's skin, and then the blood rolling down her arms and face as she walked.

Knocking on the door, Cece opened it and gasped. "Are you two alright? We saw Eli's car and thought it was him."

"Well, we found him. But Fitz and Adam took him to the hospital. We found Morty unharmed, as of Eli.." Clare looked over at Sam.

"He was found with blood covering him." She finished

Cece covered her mouth while Bullfrog said, "well hop in!"

Sam shook her head. "I'll take his hearse home. You guys can take Clare."

But Clare at grabbed her arm and got into the old car.

-----At The Hospital-----

Sam tapped her figures against the glass table as she lay on the couch. She listened to Clare and Adam talk about some comic book she'd never heard of while she heard Fitz's game in the background. They had been in the waiting room for near two hours. The school knew, and told them to stay here for as long as possible. There was only one other couple in the waiting room with them. They sat on the far corner, so to make out when they pleased.

Cece and Bullfrog were in Eli's room which was at the end of the long white hallway they waited in. They told the kids they'd give them word as soon as Eli came around; if he came around. Sam over heard a nurse telling them she wasn't sure if he'd wake up.

Sam sighed as she rolled over, hoping to take the pain from her back. Hugging herself, she shook a little. It was colder in here than outside. Or so she thought. Closing her eyes, she tried to think of something other than bad things. Like, puppies playing in the dog park. Fish swimming in the blue sea. Cupcakes being made by snobby litttle five year olds who didn't know how to make them. A chocolate cake on her next birthday. Summer nights, watching the stars above. Watching murder movies and figuring out who the killer is. Singing at the top of her lugs in the car to her favorite cd. All these things she thought of, but did not help. They all turned into something terribly wrong.

Visions of Eli sitting on that white hospital bed, his limp body hooked up to some kind of breathing machine. His eyes closed, forever. His brain filled with nothing but horrible dreams or thoughts that could never come true, or leave his mouth.

That flashed to Eli sitting in his room, crying over something. Curled up into a small ball on his bed as the salty tears raced down his cold cheek. His head buried in his knees and his hands pulling at his messy hair. Saying her name over and over again.

She opened her eyes and groaned as she heard Adam raise his voice a little higher as if this could help Clare understand why he liked comics so much. Fitz's video game seemed louder than before as she could also hear the sounds of the couple across the room kissing, and slobbering all over each others tongues.

Sam sat up and walked the short distance to the bathrooms. Opening the door, she could smell it. The barf, the poop, and stronger hospital smell.

She walked over to the sink and rested her hands on the edge. She looked up at herself.

"You are pathetic." She muttered. "Trash. Scum. Bloody horrid."

She looked down at her arms, at the cuts she had made nearly two years ago, and the fresh ones. She cut every time something went wrong in her life. Used to, it was for if something didn't go her way. Now, it was when she was just depressed. Now, she hid them. They weren't for attention anymore. They were for helping. But it didn't help, nothing helped. She felt so empty; like a piece of her was missing. That puzzle piece that she missed so much was filled when she was with Eli, and when they broke up, it was gone again. She'd never felt more alive until she spent time with that one boy. That boy who changed her.

How could she have acted that way?

In her pocket, she reached in and pulled out her pocket knife. Something she always had, no matter what. She opened it's blade and looked at it for a second before she placed it on her arm. Nobody was in here, nobody would even come in here. It was a hospital so if she got blood everywhere they'd think it was somebody elses. Biting her lip, she slid the cool blade across her arm, the burning came back to her body; but it felt great.
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i really, really like this chapter. anyways, comments?! i plan on updating again tonight, but i am not sure.