‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved


Sam opened her eyes and looked into the ones she loved. Eli's. She'd been in his room for almost two hours now, just staring at his lifeless body as everybody else went out to eat. She didn't feel like eating, and if she did go it was a bigger chanced they'd see her scars she worked so hard on not doing. She begged herself not to, but it didn't work. The scars were there to prove she couldn't control herself. All over her arms, down her leg and on her sides. She was a monster with her clothes off. No clean skin was found, only the scars from years of work.

She sighed as she remembered a few summers ago when she was being bullied. She had got the biggest kitchen knife she could find and slid it down her side. Leaving a huge gash you can still see today. She couldn't stand hiding this from everybody, but she'd have alot of explaining to do if they did find out.

The storm had still been going, though not as bad. She heard on the radio that four houses got bowl down with no chance of re-building. One farm was empty, no animals in sight. Twelve people had died from being on the roads and the mall was blown half away. You could only reach about ten stores before they stopped you.

At least it wasn't as bad as everybody thought. Most buildings were still standing, most people were fine, just scratched up a little. And barely any animals were harmed that they could find.

There was a groan from the bed beside her as she looked over and saw Eli move his head. Smiling, she got up slowly and pushed back some of his dirty hair before kissing hs forhead.

"Just on the forehead?" He whined, clearly this hurt him to talk.

Sam giggled, knowing he was fine. "Sorry." She turned serious as she asked, "What happened?"

Eli opened his eyes and looked up at her. "I didn't believe you wanted me. I thought it was a joke since you used Adam's phone and I--" he stopped, realizing what he was saying. Blushing, he turned his head towards the window.

"You what?" Sam asked, looking over, too.

Eli looked back over at her. "I did it to myself, Sam. I've been doing it, and not proud. I can't stop."

Sam felt her heart beating faster. "Do what?"

Eli's head fell as if he were about to cry.
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sorry its short! i wanted to write, but wasnt sure what to write. comment?