‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

"Hay Is For Horses"

"Gotcha!" Eli laughed as he wrapped his arms around Sam.

Sam and Eli were outside playing around until her mom got home. She had promised to take them to the zoo since it would be closing soon. This made Sam sad that her favorite place was closing. It was said that it should open back up after New Years because they were just remolding but Sam knew better.

Eli's phone rang as he dropped Sam onto the moist grass.

"Hey!" She whined.

"Hay is for horses," Eli smirked. Sam sometimes regrets telling him her country sayings. "Hello?" He turned around as he walked to his hearse.

Sam sat in the grass; playing with her dark jeans. She'd worn them once, and already had a small hole.

As Sam sat there thinking; she couldn't help but wonder why she and Eli had been together so long. Sure, they liked most of the same stuff, were totally in love. But something about it made her think why they even got together. She was happy, yes. But was he? Sam knew guys all too well. They used girls like her. But Eli wouldn't do that to a girl. She knew him, but sometimes that wasn't enough.

"Sam," Eli walked over to her. She wanted to kick herself for even thinking Eli would do that to her. She looked up to him with a small smile which faded when she saw he wasn't. "Who's Hank?" He crossed his arms.

Sam stared at him before realizing what he asked. "Who?"

"Hank. I got a call from him." Eli's face was a mix between hurt and anger.

Sam stood up. "I don't know a Hank. I mean, I do. But he's back in my old town. He only helped me with my homework."

"Yeah well, he's here now. And he's asking where you were and where his baby is."

"I don't have a baby.."

Eli sighed. "I have to go.."

Sam ran over and grabbed his arm. "Eli, I'm telling the truth. Why would I lie to you?"

"You tell me," he jerked his arm away before getting in his car, and driving off.

Sam stood there with the tears running down her cheeks.

Her phone went off almost as soon as she got inside.

Now that he's gone- we can be together at last

Sam threw her phone down and fell onto her bed.

She couldn't have asked for a worse birthday. It was time to tell Eli about this creep..
♠ ♠ ♠
ahh it was supposed to be longer but the stupid comptuer didn't save it when I told it to. And i didn't feel like writing it all again T_T Sorry!

Anyways, how are yall liking it so far? Comment! I love em ;D and sub! But if you still haven't then you should read Just Friends, the FIRST story!