‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

Boiler Room

Sam ran up to Clare's house. Her heart pounded with every step. She knocked a few times before Mrs. Edwards opened the door, smiling at her.

"Samantha! How are you, dear?" She asked in her cheerful voice. She was guessing things were going good, for now.

"Hi, Mrs. E. Uh, is Clare here?" She asked, out of breath. Her lungs felt cold, as if ice water were pouring down her throat. Her head spun, like she'd just spun in circles for hours. Her stomach had no bottom, she felt she would throw up if she moved anymore.

Mrs. Edwards looked up the stairs and then back down at Sam. A little worry in her face. "No, she said she was going to study with you. This was last night, Sam."

Sam thought for a moment. She did receive a text from Clare later that night asking if it were okay to crash there. But she never showed up. Sam had just guessed she came back home or maybe over to Adam's. She nodded and said, "I think I know what's going on. Adam and Clare and Eli were planning a party for me but they didn't know I found out. They're probably over at Eli's." She lied quickly and ran back down the steps. She stopped once she heard the door close and sat down on the steps.

What had happened to her friends? Why weren't they answering their phone calls or texts? And she wanted to know how would text her those scary texts every day. Why they happened and what she'd done.

Sam looked up at the light sky. Not a cloud could be seen, and the sun was as bright as could be.

A small beep came from within her pocket. With a small jump, she picked out her phone and opened the message she'd received.

From: Unknown
Meet me in the school. bring nobody

A chill ran down her back. She didn't want to show up at the school alone, nor with a person beside her. She didn't want to show up at the school at all. She wanted to be in her boyfriend's bed, making out. Or possibly with Clare and Adam and filming. Maybe even helping Anya with her role playing. Anything but walking into that school right at this moment.


Sam ran up to the school. She had ran back home to grab a few things. She now had a knife, matches and a lighter. For what, she didn't know. But she figured she'd need something to help her.

She dug out her mini flashlight from her belt loop as she stepped foot into the unlocked school.

It was dark, despite it being extremely bright outside. She took a look around before she walked in and let the door slowly closed behind her.

She didn't like the feel, smell or look of Degrassi at sunset. Matter of fact, she wouldn't like it if all the police in Canada were here. That still could mean somebody could get hurt, or already were.

A creek came from her left. She jumped towards her right and shown the light towards the noise. She saw nothing but an opened locker.

"Fucking feels like Saw.." She muttered under her breath. "Fucking Saw."

She took a step over to a door that had been cracked. She almost opened it but her phone beeped once more.

From: Unknown
Boiler room

No way was she going in that room. She shook her head, knowing that something bad would happen.

She opened the boiler room door. instantly, there were sounds. Voices. Somebody talking to another person. They were laughing, and sounding happy.

She silently shut the door, letting almost all of the light disappear as she turned her flashlight off. Now, she could only see the small patch of light coming from down the hall before her.

She could hear things more clearly now. She heard a male voice speak.

"Do you think we freaked her out?" One was asking.

The other voice laughed deeply. "I think she'll be scared for life. I doubt she's even here. Probably under her bed at home."

"Should we get this boy to call her and ask her?"

"Nah, leave it to her to decide his fate."

She heard more laughing and a muffled sound. Sam knew too many horror movies. She knew what that last sound was. A third person trying to speak.

Taking one step in front of the other, Sam walked down towards the light and the voices. She couldn't make out who they were, though she knew they sounded familiar.

"Should I text her again?" The second voice was asking. She could feel the smirk in his voice. The way he said his words.

A chuckled from the first person made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. "What would you even say?"

Then the third person made another sound, but Sam guessed his mouth was covered in a cloth. If it was a he, it would have been a she. What if it were Clare?

Then it hit her. The voices. The texts. It was Eli. Eli always acted weird when she got a text. He was usually not around when she got the calls, she didn't remember him being around for a call. He had somebody helping him, too. Maybe Fitz? But she couldn't see Fitz helping Eli.. maybe it was Adam, because Sav wouldn't do that to her. Right? It could be somebody she did not know.

But it all fit. Eli had to be the one. Maybe he didn't really like her at all, or maybe this was just a really, really sick joke to him.

Anger covered every inch of her body. She couldn't believe how he could do it. She clenched her teeth as she walked through the swinging doors and into the room with the three humans.

"Elijah Goldsworthy, I swear. I fucking hate your god damn--" She stopped once she saw Eli sitting in a chair. Although, he wasn't smirking, smiling or even moving. He had a cloth around his face and his hands were tied behind the wooden chair.

"Sam!" He screamed from behind the cloth. Tears slide down his already red face.
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okay, i really love stories like these so i had to add this into it. i wanted something degrassi hasn't seen yet. right..? degrassi hasn't seen this one yet.. right? lmao WHOOPS! if they have.

anyways. who do you think it is now?? hint: i never said if the second person WAS a female or male.

P.S. yes, i said 'his' or 'he' or something but sam never actually said. SO. any guesses?