‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

Who's Knocking At The Door?

"-And that's who called you," Sam sighed. She and Eli were sitting on the steps to his house. She'd been there for almost an hour before he came out. Even then he tried to leave, but Sam wasn't going to let him.

Eli lifted his head slightly. "You're not cheating or-" His head dropped again. "How could I be so stupid to think you'd cheat? Of all people, and I had to get pissed for you cheating."

"Wait, wait," Sam held her hands up. "you mean to say; you don't think I'm bad ass enough to cheat?" A smile spread across her face as they stared at each other. Eli was finally giving her his side ways smirk.

"I love you, Sam." Eli gently took her hand in his. "I never want to lose you," His lips brushed hers lightly just before Eli's mom opened the door.

"Oh! Sorry, you guys. I thought you left," Cece smiled at them. "Sam, would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked.

Sam thought for a second. "I'd love to." She smiled as she and Eli stood up.

"Well since you are the guest; what would you like?" She smiled. She had been wearing what looked like one of Eli's shirts, just over sized. But it was actually Bullfrogs, Eli's father.

"Hm. Anything would be nice. I'm so hungry." Sam giggled.

"We can order pizza or Chinese," Cece offered.

Eli spoke up, "Sam doesn't eat Chinese, mom." He looked at Sam as if he thought she'd get angry and run around screaming.

"I've only had it once and I got sick. I've just been too afraid to eat it again." Sam smiled.

Cece clapped her hands together before dropping them in front of her. "It's happened to all of us. Happened to Eli here a few years ago. The poor thing couldn't even put clothes on; he'd ruin them with his puke," She laughed.

Sam joined as Eli blushed.

"Pizza then?" Cece smiled.

Sam and Eli gave each other a look and then looked at Cece saying, "yes!"

A few minutes later everybody was in the Goldsworthy living room, eating pizza, drinking soda, and laughing about old stories.

"I remember when Eli had only been eleven and he thought he could run outside in his underwear, yell at the neighbor, and moon him," Bullfrog laughed.

Sam giggled as Cece almost choked on her soda. "Or the time he was going to go swimming with the girl next door and thought you went swimming naked,"

"Mom, dad," Eli blushed, not touching his pizza.

Sam laughed and kissed his cheek. "Aw, come on. I think it's cute." She smiled.

Eli shrugged, still not touching anything.

"He hates us when we tell these stories. But he should remember they aren't the worst." bullfrog smirked at his son.

"Dad!" Eli swore through his teeth before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Son, you need to learn to relax." Cece laughed.

Sam could not remember the last time she laughed so much. She was having more fun here than with her own family. She couldn't even remember laughing around them. Every year when they get together everything goes wrong. Somebody catches something on fire, somebody leaves from being so pissed at another family member, somebody gets into a fist fight, and the list goes on.

"Oh, me and my mom are having Thanksgiving next week. We're finally going to be Canadian this year and cook on the right day instead of the American day," Sam giggled. "Mom told me that you guys are more than welcome to come," She smiled.

Cece and Bullfrog looked at each other as Eli walked in, holding a new can of soda.

"We'd love to," Cece smiled.

"Great!" Sam grinned.


Eli pulled Sam on her couch at home. They moved over here since Bullfrog was headed to bed and Sam wasn't allowed in Eli's room still.

"I'm sorry about the other day," Eli sighed as he kissed Sam's neck. "I couldn't help believing it because I'm still waiting on the day you realize you don't like me."

Sam lifted his head up. "I will always love you," She smiled.

Eli held her close to him as she played with his necklace.

"Do you mind me asking where this came from?" She asked. But before he could answer, there was a knock at the door.

Sam got up to answer it. "Sorry we're not taking any-" She stood in the doorway feeling all sorts of emotions.

"Hi," Said Fitz as he looked at her.

Sam remembered everything he's ever done since she knew him.

The first time she saw him, he was beating up Eli. The second time she saw him, he was beating up Eli. The third? He had been drinking and hitting on her. Trying to sleep with her. The fourth was when he told her he'd rape her. Sam even ran into him a few times over the Summer. She even threw her iPod at him because he had tried to fight with Eli again. Sam had threatened Eli with her knee into his groin if he ever fought Fitz again.

"Who's at the door?" Eli was smiling when he walked over. That smile faded when he saw who was there.
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Ahhh i know some of you will say I got this from the promo but actually, i didn't. I had this idea this morning when I was thinking of Eli/Fitz fights. I thought I should bring him back into this story xD and then i freaked when i saw the promo and he was RIGHT THERE!

And sorr for any misspellings or wrong writing. The keys on the computer i use.. some of them don't like to work so I replace them sometimes. And sometimes they DO work just not when i really need them =/ anyways...

SUB! And if ya haven't.. READ JUST FRIENDS! xD