‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

"I came to ask.."

Eli growled before saying, "Leave,"

Fitz held his hands up. "I'm only here to ask a favor," he sighed heavily.

"You think we'll do you a favor after what you did to us?" Eli glared, hate in his eyes.

"Eli," Sam held her hand to his chest as if it would help him from moving.

Fitz shoved his hands in his pockets. "I came to ask," he looked down and shifted uncomfortably. "I need a place to stay."

"Hell no!" Eli snapped as his fist flew up.

"Eli!" Sam stood in front of him before looking at Fitz. "How do we know you won't try and kill us in our sleep?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want a place to rest. I don't even have to stay here all day; just for the night. I can even try and find another place within the next few days," His head was down like he was ready for Sam to yell at him. He seemed like a lost puppy; all sad looking.

"You can stay here." Sam made up her mind.

Eli and Fitz, both, looked at her in shock.

"Real-Really?" Fitz asked.

"She doesn't mean it," Eli spoke up.

"I do. I have a feeling he's telling the truth," Sam held the door open as Fitz walked in.

Mrs. Shelby had been away for a few days. Sam thought she'd be safe to have Fitz and Eli here, just in case.

After a while, Eli and Fitz where sitting in Sam's living room, staring lazers into each other. Sam made a noise every once in a while, waiting on them to stop.

She had thought Fitz may actually be tired of bullying Eli. He had seemed to sorry. She only wished Eli would forgive him. She knew he wouldn't; couldn't even. Eli had told her about his past. How he was always bullied into doing stuff, how he was always the only kid in the class with a bully because it was all the other kids that would start it. And how much he hated anybody bullying; especially if they didn't deserve it.

Fitz stood up, he had been in a t-shirt with baggy jeans that were both ripped all up. Sam had thought he had gotten into a fight. Possibly with his father. She knew Fitz lived with his dad, who hadn't had a good past life. There were rumors that his father had beat his first wife, and killed his second. He was know dating the woman that was believed to be Fitz's mother; but Sam knew the truth: his mother was the dead wife.

Eli had stood up as if he had been waiting on it.

"Chill, emo boy. I just want some water." Fitz shook his head as Sam drug Eli into her room.

"Elijah," She pushed him against the wall, staring seriously at him. "Be nice. Can't you see he's had a rough time?"

Eli rolled his eyes. "He's acting. He wants you to think that."

Sam held up her hand, ready to slap Eli. She realized it wouldn't do any good so she just left him before walking back into the living room.
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I hate this chapter. I really wanted to do a part two but i think i shoulda waited and had a better idea =/ Imma try and have the next chapter up tomorrow.. or possibly sunday.

BTW, Comment and sub please? =]