‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

One Last Kiss

Sam walked up Eli's door step. She hadn't seen him in two weeks and was getting worried about him.

As she knocked she could hear yelling from inside. She thought maybe she woke up Bullfrog; who was not a happy camper when woken up.

The door opened as Eli stood there, wearing nothing but a pair of black and white stripped boxers and his guitar pick necklace, which was unclasped. His hair had been all messed up as if he just got up and there were bags under his blood shot eyes.

"What-what's wrong with you?" Sam looked him up and down a few times before it clicked.

Eli leaned against the doorway. "Wh-what's brought y-you he-here?" He slurred his words together, stuttering in between that.

"Elijah, what happened?" Sam crossed her arms.

Eli covered his face with his hands. "Y-you were m-mad at m-me," he hiccuped a few times. "I.. I thought you--" He slid down the door frame as he sobbed. "You d-don't l-l-like me.."

Sam bent down, putting her hand on his cold as stone back. "I do like you, Eli, but," She stood back up and looked down at him. "Eli, I think we need a break," She sighed.

Eli's head shot up as he slurred, "N-nooo! I n-n-n-needs you.." he hiccuped again.

She patted his head gently, so not to give him a headache. "It's best. Get sober. Then we'll talk," She turned around and walked off, leaving Eli to sit there and sob.


"Sam," Wesley walked over to her the next day. "I need your help," He whined.

Sam giggled before saying, "No, I will not help you get Anya. She's turned you down already," She teased.

Wesley's face dropped, remembering Sam's party. Anya had said she just wanted to be friends, but Wesley was heartbroken. "That's not it," He muttered.

Sam patted his shoulder gently. "What do you need help with?"

"This paper. I'm supposed to write a fairytale but I have never read any. I don't know how to write a fairytale,"

Sam stared at him before asking, "You've never read a fairytale? Snow White? Beauty And The Beast?" She asked.

Wesley shrugged before he spoke. "Never. I grew up with parents who never read to me,"

Sam gasped as Holly J and Fiona walked over.

"What's up?" Fiona smiled, proudly wearing her new diamond necklace. She got it for an early Christmas from her grandmother from back in New York. She was always trying to get Fiona to move back, but nothing ever worked.

"Wesley has never read a fairytale," Sam made weird hand movements.

Holly J's mouth fell open as Fiona said, "You've never read about a princess? Prince? The frog? The horses? The big dresses?"

Wesley shook his head. "I think I need to go," and he ran off down the hall.

All three girls laughed before Adam walked over, looking worried.

"Samantha," Said Adam. "I cannot believe you,"

Sam held her hands up in front of her. "What'd I do now?"

Adam rolled his eyes before looking at Holly J and Fiona. "Nothing. It's nothing," He gave her a look in which she knew what he meant. It was about Eli. She tried calling him last night but all she got was a ring, a sob, and a click before she could get a word in.

Sam walked with Fiona and Holly J to their next class. Acting class.

"Why, again, do we have to take this class? Sam is already the best actress we have here," Fiona groaned, sitting on the ground, which was a shock because she always whined about it being horribly dirty.

Holly J walked over to the stage. "Because we can't act,"

"Not true," Sam said in a deep voice.

They laughed before the teacher walked in.

"I am your sub, Mrs. Ian. Yes, It is my last name, not my first," She never looked up from her papers as she said this, and walked up on the stage. Finally she removed her glasses and put down the stack of paper before moving on to saying, "Samantha, here now." She pointed beside herself.

Sam was a little freaked, but did as told. "Am I in trouble?" She asked.

"No talking, just acting," Mrs. Ian's voice was strong and, in a way, manly. She had plain brown hair that was cut like a boys, she wore a dress suit, with the skirt and blouse. She even wore these ugly high heels that made her feet look huge, but also made her taller than most of the class.

Anya raised her hand, "In acting, you need to use talking?" She said it more as a question than anything.

Mrs. Ian snapped her fingers, put them to her mouth and went, "Shush!" She turned towards Sam who almost jumped. "Act,"

Sam bit her lip but suddenly went into character.

"My love," She held her hands out towards a boy named Mark, "I have never felt happier; than being in your arms,"

Mark stood up, walked over to her, and put his arms around her. "My dear, neither have I been happier than the feeling of my arms around your body," He kissed the top of her head.

Sam turned around, looking up into his eyes. Tears filled them, suddenly. "But, I fear, we cannot be together," A single tear fell from her eyes. She looked down.

He lifted her head with a single finger before saying, "I love you, dear. Don't be saying what we both know is not the truth,"

"But it is," Said Sam. "It is the truth. We cannot be together; for my father is out to kill you,"

"Then we will run away, run away to the other world; without your father, without mine. No one can tell us to be apart,"

They ended t scene by the 'One Last Kiss' and walking away from each other.

Everybody clapped as Sam looked in the doorway to see Eli standing there. Barely sober, but she could see the tears falling from his cheeks as he turned to walk away.
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ahhh Dx coulda done better. did it make any sence? sorry =[ anyways comment? sub? please? xD