‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved


A few months past since Sam and Eli have actually been together. Sam was tired of his sudden drinking problem; which Cece and Bullfrog had no idea about. Even Adam and Clare had stopped going over to see Eli. He hadn't been in school, so Sam had no idea how he was. And so far, she wasn't caring.

Okay, so she cared about him; but she didn't want a drunk as a boyfriend.

"Play is tomorrow," Anya walked over with a grin on her face.

Sam squeaked. "I haven't made my outfit yet!"

"Fiona thought you'd forget so she's making it," Said Anya as she laughed.

Sam smiled as they walked out of school and to The Dot.

"Are your parents coming?" She asked Sam, totally not realizing what she had said.

"Mom is, yes."

Anya bit her lip as they walked inside and sat down at a table. A new guy walked over, cute, too.

"What can I get you, sir or madame?" He asked, looking at his hand.

Both girls laughed as Sam said, "You don't say that. You just ask what we want."


The next day, Sam and Anya were getting ready backstage. The play was on a vampire love story, Sam and Drew being the vampires and Anya was Sam's best friend.

Clare and Adam were in the play too, as human. Food, actually.

Sam was supposed to eat them while Drew was trying to find her trail.

"Samantha, someones here to see you," Holly J walked back there, watching her clipboard.

Sam looked over to see Eli screaming as Sav was trying to pull her back. "Let go!" He'd yell. Sam noticed he was drunk again. "I need to talk to Sam!"

Sam stood up and walked over. "Drop him," She said as if she was the boss.

Sav held his hands up and backed up; yet not leaving. Eli looked up at her from the floor. "Sam, I love you!" He cried.

"Oh yeah, you really love me. I ask you to stop drinking so we can talk and guess what? You were never sober." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry," The tears fell from his face quickly.

Sam huffed and walked off just as Holly J yelled, "Places!"


Sam was walking down the hall to the school, going to pack up some of her stuff. She and her mother were moving and Sam was dropping out of Degrassi to care for the new baby that was coming. Her mother didn't have time to do much with both a job, and her new baby.

The baby was not yet born, but Sam knew it could come any day now, and she wanted to be there when it did. She hadn't told the school, or any of her friends for that matter, that she wasn't coming back to Degrassi.

Eli had started back, which was hell since he was trying to stop drinking. It wasn't working too well.

She was tired of him always sending her crap she would just throw away and tired of all the messages he left her.

She turned the corner but saw Eli sitting in the floor with Clare. Sam jumped and hid behind the lockers.

"I can't help myself," She heard Eli mutter. "I love her. I just want to make her happy."

"She's not happy, Eli.." Clare sighed.

Sam sat there, praying Clare wouldn't say anything that Eli shouldn't know.

"I know," Eli apparently hit his head against the lockers 'cause there was a loud bang!

Clare patted his knee. "She still loves you,"

"Why doesn't she show it?"

"She's scared,"

"Ha! Her, scared? No. No, not her."

"Please, she just doesn't want to be with you and you continue to drink,"

Eli stood up and said, "I stopped drinking. I stopped drinking over two weeks ago. I'm two weeks sober and I even bought her a ring,"

Both Clare and Sam gasped, throwing their hands over their months.

"A what!?" Clare shouted.

"A ring. I want to make her happy. I want her to know that she is the only thing I want and the only thing I need. I need to prove to her that the only drug I need; the only thing I want to get drunk off of, is her. I know that was cheesy but it's true." He said.

Sam heard him walking towards her so she stood up and ran back outside. Going over and over again in her mind that he was wanting to marry her.
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Comments? Subs? I'll love you forever! xD