‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

"Sounds Like A Problem"

He bought her a ring.

Sam couldn't get this out of her head. He wanted to marry her? Why would he do that?

She pasted around her room, thinking of what he had done; or what he was going to do. She wasn't ready, she knew he wasn't ready. So why?

There was a knock at her door and Shelby walked in, holding a plate of cookies.

"Where's Clare? I thought she and you were working on something," She smiled sweetly.

Sam gave her mother a 'not right now' look as she grabbed a cookie and sat on her bed.

"Want to talk about it?" Shelby sat the plate down on the dresser. Sam shook her head so her mother just shrugged and walked out.

Sam stood up and walked across the hall, into none other than the room of Fitz.

Fitz had been staying with Sam and Shelby for awhile now since his dad had kicked him out. Fitz had gone back for a week, got caught sneaking out to come see Sam, and was beaten and kicked out on the streets; not able to get any clothing or any of his items what-so-ever.

Shelby didn't mind Fitz staying, and Sam and him had grown close. Like a brother and sister, perhaps.

She knocked on the door and heard a small, "Come in," before she opened the door and stepped in.

"Can we talk?" She asked, worry in her voice.

Fitz sat up in his bed, wearing nothing but boxers and an over-sized band shirt that Shelby bought him for a home warming gift. Yes, this was his new home. The police took Mr. Fitz to jail, with no hope of him getting out any time soon. "Sit," He patted the spot next to himself.

Sam sat, then proceeded to speak her mind. "I can't stand being away from Eli," She sighed. "But I can't stand him trying to get my attention."

Fitz laid a hand on her knee. "Have you told him this?"

"No," She groaned, falling back onto the bed. "I want him to stop. I mean, it makes me want him less. But at the same time I just want him... more."

"Sounds like a problem."

"I see him in the halls and I have to turn and run the other way. He sits next to me in class and I want to slap him. Fitz, I don't know what to do!" She sat up and hugged him.

"What exactly did he do to you?" He asked. He rubbed her back gently as she relaxed in his arms.

Sam bit her lip. "Honestly, nothing. He just started drinking."

"But he stopped."

"I know."

"Then why aren't you with him?"

Sam stood up, walked to the window and looked out. Watching as the birds flew away. She wished she could be a bird so she could just fly away from problems. "I don't know.."

Fitz stood up and walked over to his new little sister. He laid a big, strong hand onto her shoulder. "Give him one last chance. If he hurts you, then he dies."

Sam looked up into his eyes. "You really think I should?"

"I see how he looks at you and how much you talk about loving him. You two are in love; you're just too stubborn to admit it,"

Sam smiled then kissed his cheek.

"Thanks, bro,"


"Clare!" Sam ran down the street, seeing Clare sitting on her steps.

Clare stood up, tears rolling down her face. "I'm moving," She stared at the ground.

Sam stopped short and stared at her, open mouthed. "No,"

"Yes," Clare nodded. "Mom and dad are..." She gulped.

"Aw!" Sam pulled Clare in for a big hug, hugging each other as tightly as possible.

Clare sobbed. "I don't know what to do! Mom's moving an hour away and dad's moving into another town far away,"

"You can't move! You'll... you'll.." Sam looked around. "You'll move in with me," She grinned.

Clare sat back down. "You already have Fitz there. I doubt your mom will let me stay." She wiped under her eyes.

Sam groaned. "You're not moving if I have to kill somebody." She said, seriously.

Clare laughed a little. "I know, Sammy."


Sam sat in her room, thinking of how her life seemed to be turning all at once.

First, her and Eli break up for something she couldn't even remember. Then Fitz was beat up by his own father and her mother was now having a baby, alone. The father, Gabe Summers, had made both of them think that he was in love. That he wanted a family. But no, as soon as he heard Shelby was pregnant, he ran off. Sam wanted, badly, to drop out of school and help but Shelby said no way. There was no way Sam was dropping out just to help with a baby.

And now, Clare was moving.

Sam couldn't stand anymore of this. She thought it couldn't get worse, that is until her phone went off.

I'm back, bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I like this one...
I'll love you xD