‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

"Get Ready,"

Sam laid on her bed, listening to the sound of her mother type, and the sound of Fitz's tv show. She could hear the people in the show yelling and somebody being beat. She wondered how he could watch those shows after his father.

She turned around in her bed, thinking of how she was going to make it through these next few months.

Her phone rang again.

Bitch, get ready. Imma coming for you.

Sam bit her lip, wondering what that meant. She hated this person, whoever he was. She wanted him out of her life, along with every other bad thing.

"Sammy-boo!" Shelby called from the kitchen. Sam knew by now where her mother was by the sound of her voice, and how far away it had been at the time.

"Comin'." She got up, slipping on her black bear slippers and walking out. Fitz got her the slippers when he got some extra money from Sam's aunt and uncle just for being a new family member. They gave him almost a hundred, maybe over.

She walked out to see Fitz standing there, talking to Shelby, and Shelby sitting on the counter, eating a tube of ice cream.

"Ah, Sam Sam," Fitz walked over, picking her up and setting her on the counter beside her mother. "I have exciting news." He grinned. "I have a job at The Dot!"

"AH!" Shelby jumped down and hugged him tightly. Sam laughed as she waited until she was done with him, and then hugged him herself.

"How'd you do that?" She asked, messing with him a little.

Fitz acted like he was dusting his shirt off saying, "Well. I have ways." He smirked.

Sam smirked as the phone rang, and Shelby went to answer it.

Fitz turned to Sam and said seriously, "Have you talked to him?"

Sam shook her head. "I was waiting til I heard from him. I figured I would by now, but obviously I was wrong. I guess I'll go call him now," She turned and walked towards her room.

"It would be better in person," He pointed out.

Sam groaned but quickly changed into jeans, leaving her MCR shirt on and her hair messy as ever. She still had on yesterday's make up but no matter. She walked out of the room, putting on her converse.

"Tell mom I'm going to meet Clare. Not a total lie," She shrugged as she walked out the door and into the street.

She walked to Eli's house, wondering that the hell she was supposed to say. 'I'm sorry for how I acted, I was stupid'? 'I can't stand being away from you, so I'll give you another chance'? She had no idea what to say. She figured it would just come to her when she got there.

She knocked on his door in which Cece answered.

"Samantha?" She asked, clearly very surprised.

"Yes, is Eli here?" She asked. She played with the necklace Eli gave her for her birthday. She'd been wearing it the past two weeks without even realizing it.

Cece shook her head. "He's been out since last night. Said he was going to Adam's and would be back late. I guess they fell asleep." She shrugged. "You're welcome to come in and stay a while. Maybe he'll be back soon." She smiled.

"No, but thanks." She smiled and walked back down the steps. She wondered off towards the park. She knew very well Eli wasn't with Adam. She'd been there just last night to pick up something she left there. And she talked to Clare earlier today, who had been there since early this morning.

She thought maybe he'd drove Morty down and parked some where.

She was right.

She was almost at the park when she saw his hearse sitting under a nearby tree. She smiled and ran over to it.

She finally reached it after what seemed like forever, went to tap on the window. She waited for a few seconds as she listened to his voice, talking to another voice. She was confused since she knew Eli didn't have Clare or Adam in the car.

He opened the back doors and Sam gasped.

Eli sat there with his shirt off, a girl half naked beside him and a condom wrapper laying on the floor.

Sam's eyes teared up. He obviously didn't feel the same about her. She was heart broken as she ran down the street.
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..I kinda like this one xD
I'll love you xD