‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Face Down
Status: The. End.

She Will Be Loved

"Son Of A Bitch"

"What are you going to do?" Clare asked Sam as they walked to class.

Sam shrugged. "He's out of my mind. I don't care about him if he doesn't care about me." She said harshly.

Clare opened the door for her. "He does, Sammy. He called my fifty times last night, wondering if you were okay. I said I had no idea what was going on but he wouldn't tell me. He was in tears."

Sam sat down in her usual seat, near the back. "Clare, I hate him. He doesn't deserve my forgiveness. All he cares about is sex, he doesn't even care about me. If he did, he wouldn't be fucking some other girl in the back of his hearse!" She almost yelled, getting near tears. Her face had turned red from all the anger.

"Please, Sam. At least hear what he has to say." Clare begged.

Sam realized she knew more about this, possibly even before it really happened.

"Who was she?" Sam demanded. "I want to know. I know you know, Clare." She crossed her arms, clearly not going to drop this.

Clare opened her mouth to speak but the teacher walked in right at that moment. "No talking and turn towards your computers." She sat at her desk like nothing was going on, which in her world, it wasn't.

Sam glared at a very relieved Clare.

After class Sam ran up rup to Clare.

"I know you know," She said as she leaned against Clare's locker.

Clare almost jumped. "Samantha, I know nothing. Now I need my bo-"

"Clare, stop this. You and I both know that you knew this story before it even happened."

Clare sighed as she looked at Sam, sadness in her eyes. "It was Eliza Burns. She was Eli's 'cousin.' They found out she wasn't almost two years ago. She's actually Eli's cousins' friend. They grew up together and when her parents died, Eli's aunt and uncle took her up. But ever since they found out she wasn't his real cousin, she's had this obsession with him. Now, every time she's over, she tries to do things with him but he's too weirded out to try anything. A few nights ago he finally gave in but he said he hated it 'cause he didn't love her. He loved you. And he wishes he wouldn't have gave in." Clare took a long breath, as if she didn't breathe through the whole story.

Sam shook her head. "That just shows me that he can't control himself. I mean, would you get back with somebody, knowing they'll cheat on you?"

Clare sighed. "I guess not,"


"But, If I loved them, I might." She added.

"No. You wouldn't. 'Cause you'd be hurt he could even think of it. No, Eli Goldsworthy and I are over."

Wesley walked over, smiling from ear to ear. "Hi girls. I wonder if you lovely ladies would like to join the schools talent show?" He held up a clip board with a few names on it, and a few 'talents.'

Sam smirked and took the board. "And I know just how to let everybody know that that son of a bitch is nothing more than a cheating bastard." She signed her name and quickly wrote her talent down before she winked at Clare and Wes and walked down the hall as if she were the queen.
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okay, don't hate me. this is short for a reason! i didnt want to write the whole idea down in one, but this is all i had for this chapter