Digital Message

Emos V Chavs

We were just sitting in the park
We didn't want any trouble
We didn't want them to see us, but they did, they started shouting things
I didn't want to stay
James did.
Alice was scared.
I wish we hadn't come now. They start running towards us now...They arn't going to stop. "Oh god. They're going to beat us up" I thought. I stood up, so did Alice. We looked at eachother then ran, leaving the boys behind. lice screamed as she fell over. There was blood, she'd cut her leg. It was turning her converse a darker red. She fainted. I called to James, he didn't hear me. I suddenly saw him run over the hill where Alice and I had just ran, he looked scared. We heard the chavs shouting stuff. I picked Alice up and put her arm around my neck, and sort of dragged her to the exit of the park. There were lots of people there, we heard the chavs voices sort of fade away. We tried to wake Alice up by slapping her face or nudging her. Eventually she came around, the bleeding had stopped but she was still pale. James got out his phone and called his mum. She would normally pick us up without any questions apart from "You have fun?" And thats just the sort of person we need right now, someone who won't aske questions.