Sequel: My Little Raspberry

My Little Cheesecake

5 ; -

"Just give me some time to figure this out, will'ya?"

It was the day after, and everyone, not including Gwen, were feeling like shit, from all the alcohol last night. She and Sammy were sitting beside on another with their backs against the wall, talking about all of the events from the party. Sammy had of course been bragging about Danielle kissing her, but now she was trying to sort out what really had happened between her and Jolene, who, for your information, was sleeping and snoring on a mattress on the floor. Everlyn had disappeared from the room for a few minutes, probably to make a quick visit to the bathroom. A guy Gwen and Sammy knew, Greg, muttered something from where he lay on the couch, no one was sure if he was sleeping or not.

"Okay, I'll get back to you in a few weeks, and maybe then you'll even be in a relationship with my favorite-niggah."

"Get back to me, and then we'll see. My head hurts like mad. I'm never gonna drink alcohol again."

"They all say that, but guess what will happen at the next party."

"I'm not stupid, because I know that."

"Good for you your parents are out of town for the weekend."

"You betcha, I'd never take the risk of crashing here otherwise. Do you have a painkiller?"

"Do I look like someone who would?"

"Ehm, you--, could have problems..."

"Okay, in my bag, look there." Sammy smirked and stood up, taking a few seconds to gain balance and then marching through the room to find Gwen's small bag.

"You're a saviour, you know that, right?"

"I've heard it a couple of times." Sammy smirked and took a small leap over Jolene's body to get back to Gwen. Before she had had the time to sit down Gwen noticed her cellphone started buzzing, and quickly answered before it could bother the ones sleeping. "Yo?"

Gwen was silent for a couple of minutes, just uttering small words now and then, but staring into nothing. Sammy started to be really worried when Gwen suddenly nodded, said 'O-, o-, okay...".

"What? Did someone die or something?" Gwen shook her head and rubbed her eyes, as if she was trying to figure out if the conversation really just had happened. "Who was it then?"

"It was... Rebecka, and she said that-, she said that she can get a hold on tickets to Green Day if we want to go!"

"Are you talking about California?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Oh my God, I've always wanted to go to California. I know that we are supposed to go, but now we only have bigger reasons, so my mother can't hold me back!"

"I-, I don't know what to say...WE'RE GOING TO A GREEN DAY-CONCERT!" As expected, after Gwen's little shriek both Jolene and Greg looked up, extremely confused by the look on them. All Greg really did was muttering nasty words and put down his head almost instantly. Jolene raised her eyebrows and just looked at Gwen, not saying a word. "... sorry."

"Fuck'em, we're going to a fucking Green Day-concert, Gwen! They are your Gods, you should scream your heart out. Is this something we can plan into the road trip?"

"It definitely is, Rebecka told me so. She said she would meet us there, because she's flying and we're going by car."

"We should plan more!"

"The road trip is months away..."

"Nu-huh, it's like three months away, that's not a long period of time. Do we have contacts on the way so we can stop to get some sleep?"

"Well, yeah, but we've got a tent too, so we won't have to force ourselves into people's homes."

"Yes, we do!"

"How come?"

"I'm in need of running water."

"Now you are just overreacting."

"And what if I'm not?"

"I say this; we can ask if we can use their backyards, then we don't take so much space, and we might be able to use their bathrooms, how does that sound?"

"I will think about it."

"I haven't managed to catch onto what you guys are talking about, but it's probably very interesting, but please tell me; why is everything spinning?" Jolene managed to squeeze out.

"Because you're an alcoholic, just like Samantha here, but I have pills which can help you with your problems."

"I've got problems? You've got problems with your racial prejudices." Everyone in Gwen and Jolene's presence always knew they were joking with each other. Gwen wasn't a racist in any way, but Jolene liked to call her one, and Gwen gave her 'racial' comments from time to time.

"Chill down, right now, my head hurts too. And where's Everlyn by the way, she's been gone for like forty minutes no-." Before Sammy could finish, Everlyn opened the door, rushed in an closed it behind her, her whole face red from blushing so much. "Where the fuck have you been?"

"I have been talking to Zachary..."