Sequel: Banana Pancakes

After an Afternoon

Chapter 27

There was a sudden rush and I felt light headed. I looked at everyone staring at me. My mind and heart was racing and I was beginning to sweat.

“cait did you forget something?” Jess asked me looking concerned

I looked at her then back at my family. It was like the world begun spinning extra fast and I was the only one it was affecting. I grabbed my stuff and threw it into my backpack and quickly as I could.

“Jessica… I can’t do this” I said as I made my way to the aisle

“Caitlin you’re nuts!” she said

“Cait?” My mother asked concerned.

“I can’t talk now” I said as I ran down the aisle and towards the terminal’

“is there a problem?” a stewardess asked me as I got to the door

“yeah I need to get off the plane now.” I said

“will you be returning?” she asked

“no. not today. I need to go now…” I said urgently

“well you just made it. I hope you will join us again” She said in a sugary sweet oh so fake tone

I ran back to the gate and tried to navigate my way out. He couldn’t have gotten far. I just needed to make it to the parking lot before he left. I ran as fast and as hard as I could. People turned their heads and stared as I ran by but I didn’t care for once. I almost knocked over a young girl with her mother but that didn’t stop me. I got to the door labeled drop off/pick up and there was a crowd forming. I was never going to catch him in time… I began to cry when I felt someone touch my shoulder.

“Omg are you as excited as I am to meet him?” a teenage girl asked me

“um I’m sorry do I know you?” I asked trying to dry my eyes

“no.. Hi I’m Rebecca. I just thought you were excited to meet Brendon Urie. I mean that’s why all the others girls are crying” she said in a calming tone

“Thank you Rebecca you just made my day” I said as I made my way towards the crowd

Rebecca shot me a weird glance but let me continue on my way. I could barely see him amidst all of the people crowding but I could hear him. Parents started gathering around and pulling their daughters away scared that they would miss a flight. I stood back and watched him greet everyone with a warm and inviting smile making small talk and even as annoying as it was he looked like he was loving every minute of it. I watched as Rebecca approached holding a pair of drumsticks in her hand, and the grin on Brendon’s face grew even larger. They talked for a bit and she looked absolutely thrilled. The crowd began thinning even more and I had a clear view of him. I could see his caramel eyes and full plump lips and just how great they looked when he was smiling. The last fan finally approached and then left and he was standing there alone. I dug in my backpack and pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. His back was towards me as he dug in his pocket for his keys. I walked up to him and tapped him on the back

“I was wondering if I could have an autograph.” I said

He turned to me and smiled and laughed. We held hands and walked to the car not saying a word. The future was bright and we were going to travel that road together. As much as I would miss my family it was time for something new. I needed a change and this was it.
It also helped that I was madly in love…

The end
For Now ;)