Victim No More

She's never loved any as much as she loves Zane.
Here they were the perfect couple, the perfect picture.
Both in love...
Here she thought it was going to last forever.
Until he started to do things that she didn't like.
We all know what happens when that happens right? They fight.
Now imagine the man you love, leaving you to bleed out with water surrounding you, and no one there to help you.
Zane didn't just break her heart, and leave.
He broke her heart into tiny pieces, and engraved his name on each piece. That way, when her heart was back too being shaped as a heart, his name would be the scar on her heart that would never go away.

Here she is now, angry at him, hating him, but still loving him.
Crying, and being depressed, she looks as if nothing will bring her back to the surface.
Until one day she makes a very, VERY important decision, that'll change her life.

She decides that she'll find someone again.
Zane was one in a trillion.
She decided that she'll find another, even if she has to go through triple that, to find him.

What does that mean you ask?
It means a lot of men aren't going to know what hit them when she moves into their town....

  1. One: Fake ID
    "I won't forget him, but I'll sure as hell try to move on." ~ Lottie.
  2. Two:Driving
    "Why do you always stick up for him?" ~ Jaskey