I Am Not Half Empty. I Am Not Half Full. I Am Half Shattered.

When all else fails

Dear Bella,
How is the 'new' world? I really miss you, it's not the same with out you! How are are you? Has it passed under 89 degrees yet? I wish I was there for you!
Write back <3
Super Kitty

How was I suppose to reply to that? Do I tell my best friend the truth? That I'm miserable that my school has uniforms, there's this annoying kid that lives down the street that comes and hangs out with my brothers everyday? The drugs haven't stopped and my mom still smokes?

Or do I tell her that I have all A's in school, That I take high school credit health and we were accepted for food stamps? What to do, What to do. I simple wrote her this:

Dear Super Kitty,
I miss you too! I wish I could be there! No change in temperature. D: Sucks right? My school has uniforms! It's HORRIBLE! Then again I do have straight A's. How I passed health I'll never know..... How are you? I hope it's not too boring with out me. :(

Then I put down the letter and picked up the razor blade.
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I think the chapters are going to go in between letters and present life to show stuff... xD Well most chapters will be much longer but this was just mainly foreshadowing some.