I Am Not Half Empty. I Am Not Half Full. I Am Half Shattered.

Will It suffice?

I'm afraid, deathly afraid. You see, all These years I have Been building up a wall. First it was to block out the noise, Next the harsh angry vibes that sustained at the aftermath of everything. Later, it was to hide any negative emotion so I would be able to be at peace of mind around friends.

I'm afraid now, these walls have grown strong after all these years. They have started out from wood only to slowly be replaced with steal, even diamond. It was a mole hill, that is now a mountain, or should it be the other way around?

Now, I try to peek though the cracks and let people in but they often miss the small pleas . They do search and look but few succeed. So, I remain like a princess trapped in a high tower. No matter how hard I try to gt out, I just can't seem to do it. Everytime I try I get that funny feeling that I'm so close but so far away. It's as if angry winds choose to push me away. Only to do it hard enough that I will never reach my destination but make enough progress to still hold the hope. Unlike a princess I do not await my prince. I just need a friend.

At least I hope that would suffice...
♠ ♠ ♠
Short again, sorry. Just had a burst of emotion...
Find th behind meaning of the chapter? Well it's will all be revealed soon enough