I Am Not Half Empty. I Am Not Half Full. I Am Half Shattered.


I can feel it.
I can feel it all dying around me.
It's screaming in my ear, pleading for help. It hasn't given up hope but the feelings much be balanced, mutual. There can be no buts or ifs. It's dying and unlike what they say we can do something about it, maybe not alone but together we are undefeatable. Ruff like a diamond, beautiful but can only be caused true pain by our very own kind. Nothing else is lower then us. Nothing can harms us but each other. It is our job to save it before it's gone or our future will dies along with it.

"It" is our world.

Think Cinderella, there's many different ways to look at it. In America we have this poor girl with evil stepsisters, and her fairly godmother practically pops out of no where and helps her to the prince. In the Chinese version, there is no fairy godmother. Instead, Yeh-hsien receives her nice clothes by praying to the bones of her dead pet fish. In the Italian version, Zezolla gets her clothes from a magic tree and she actually kills her stepmother. In the Scottish version, Rashin Coatie kills her evil sister with an axe to rescue her pet cow. The cow then provides her with her nice clothes

Everyone looks at "their" world different, when in fact we are all looking at the very same world. Who would have thought?

It feels like every day is the same. I'll get up at 6AM. Take a shower, pack my school bag and eat breakfast. Around 7 I tell my brother to get up or he'll be late for drivers ED. I then brush my teeth, make sure I have my Ipod and cell phone with me before I head out. Just in case I go back into my brothers room to wake him up again. I don't leave until he's up and getting clothes to shower. Did I mention he's 16? Finally at approamately 7:23 I leave to walk to the school bus. At the stop the annoying kid AJ tries to make me jealous about something new he just got. Today it was a phone that slide opens sideways, while poor ole me just has a phone that flips open. Boohoo I'm crying inside. Please note sarcasm.

Ten feet away is everybody else. To sum it up is a bunch of girls and jocks whose pants are too tight and heads too big.

On the bus AJ gets the honor of sitting in the very first seat due to throwing paper at the beginning of the year. I get the honor of sitting alone -usually. Today I'm the last to get on the bus and all the seats are taken. I sit next to a boy or has autism and ADD. I don't mind but everyone else does. They think he's weird because he's different but I don't mind. Different is good. I would try to be friends with him but he doesn't talk much.

I hear them say my name, but the rest of their words are in Spanish. I only speak English. Everyone on this bus is Mexican. In fact everyone but 7% of my school is Mexican. I feel as though I'm on a different planet. The worst is when I know they're talking to me but I can't understand what they are saying. It's one of those things that just crawl under my skin and poke at all my soft spots. I try to grin and bear it but there's no point.

Who would I grin for? I' alone here anyway.

First period is dull Algebra.
Second period is even more boring, Keyboarding.
Third period is health. Ewwww.
Fourth period is Art. Okay if she didn't treat us like babies.
Fifth period English, I feel like I'm surrounded by second graders.
B lunch. Disgusting lunch food I refuse to eat. Library instead
Sixth period History, not bad;easy A, at least the teacher is nice.
Seventh period office aid. Practically a job with no pay.
and for the grand finale science. Nice teacher. Annoying kids. At least it's easy.
bell rings 3:25.
Make sure not to miss the bus.
Get third to last seat on the left.
Try not to piss of bus driver,

Then I get off, take the 10 minutes walk home with my Ipod and me. Ignore Him saying "Hi" and go straight to my room.
Slam the door and blare the music.

and repeat.
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Longer. :) Will get longer and longer, sorry for the wait...finals and such.