I Am Not Half Empty. I Am Not Half Full. I Am Half Shattered.

say it

I wish I was deaf
so I wouldn't have to hear the lies people feed me.
I could just block out everything, the lies, stories and all the problems.
Sure ignoring it doesn't make it go away but not talking or hearing makes sure it never even starts
Have you ever had someone tell you something with out acually telling you something? Really, like when your brother is hungry and he says something along the lines of:

"You should make me some food."

He says you should be never says you have to, but something in his voice or eyes tells you that in fact he excepts you to make you food and will be very displease when you don't.

I need that stuff straight up. Yes, I know sarcasm but I see it as a form of disrespect. If you want to tell me something, say it out right, don't beat around the bush and leave me there to figure out what you really said. Sorry I don't know what your thinking, that's life.

I'm like a horse who needs a direct rein. If you don't tell me exactly what to do i'm going to do what ever i want, and I won't care if your riding on my back. Why would I? I'm the one giving and your the one taking. I'm just 'giving' something you don't what. Tuff nuts. This is me, this is who I am. I'm sorry I won't melt to fit yout mold.

I'm free, beautiful, amazing and why should I let anyone else say anything other then that? Why should anyone listen to what anyone else says. Yea, almost everyone has heard of the line "You can't please everyone." Yea that sounds right, or you might as well die trying. I'm not talking about going into a coffin dying. No, No, you have an enternity to think inside the box their. I'm talking about smiling on the outside but hollow on the inside. When you live everyday the same and nothing ever changes. When sometimes you really don't care. How now and then when you say "fine". You really think you are. You've just forgotton what it's like to be whole. It's not one of those things where all the planets aline and BAM! Your whole for a few minutes and that should be good for the next 300 years. No you must find the wholeness on your own. Many are born whole. Their perfect, just for a moment. Their sheiled from hate and harm and is brought into this world for the sole purpose of love and that's what they have gotton with just a few bumps in the rode.

Others are born broken. It's not their fault. Maybe their father was gone, mom dead or some birth defect along the way but heres a news flash. Life isn't about being perfect, it's about looking beyond the inperfections. It just depends on how you look at it. Someone can be perfectly whole without a mother but with a best friend. Replace their father with a brother or a friend with a pet. All you have to do is forgive, no one says you have to forget.
They just..... suggest.
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thanks for sticking around :) midterms are killing me +appications for new schools....