Status: Updated on Oct 1st. 2011! :D

I Need You

I know its not your fault,

+|+|+Somewhat Graphic Content+|+|+

+|+|+Third Person P.O.V.+|+|+

"Rhylee, Where are you, you fucking slut!" Thomas yelled from the front door.Rhylee just closed her eyes breathing deeply, just waiting until he found her.

"Why the fuck didn't you answer me?" He said as he stormed into their bedroom. She was facing away from him, so she blinked and put a smile on her face as she turned to look at him. She could tell that he had been drinking a lot again. His eyes were red, he hadn't shaved in a while, his shirt was wrinkled, and he was swaying as he stood glaring at her.

"I'm sorry baby, I couldn't hear you. I was listening to my ipod while I was picking up." she said with her fake smile. She knew that he was to drunk to tell the difference, she wasn't even sure if he remembered what her real smile looked like. It's been months since she herself had seen it.

"Bullshit. And don't try to act innocent I know you have been fucking other guys! Greg told me that he saw you all over some dude at the bar last night." He wailed as he stormed towards her.

"Tommy, you know I was home last night, I even helped you to bed when you came home. And I would never cheat on you, I love you too much." She said as she cautiously watched his hands. She was always nervous when he was around. It was like she had to be on guard in her own home.

"Don't give me that. I know you have slept with at least thirty other guys since we have been together. You no good skank." He harshly replied. She just sighed and shook her head. It really hurt her, that he was always accusing her of cheating on him. She loved him so much and never even thought of being with someone else.He was her first everything, boyfriend, kiss, love and she had also given her virginity to him, on the night of his Senior prom. She was only a fourteen. They started dating the begging of her freshman year. She didn't know anything else but to be with him.

"I swear Tommy, I would never cheat on you." She looked deep into his eyes, but saw nothing. He had turned into an emotionless robot. He was always filled with liquor and maybe even some drugs, She wasn't sure, but she also wouldn't put it past him. "Look are you hungry? I'll go make you something to eat." she sighed as she walked past him.

"Oh no you don't you fucking whore, I wouldn't eat anything you made me, you cheating skank!" he screamed in her face, as the hold he had on her arm got tighter. She could smell the booze on his breath and his eyes were glazed over and glossy.

"Let me go please." She said in a calm, emotionless tone. He just stared blankly at her.

"Why so you can go and fuck some other stranger?" he growled. She dropped and shook her head. She stared at the pattern on his shirt. "Huh? Have you fuck any of my friends too?" he screamed. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. You no good bitch." He said as he violently jerked her chin up, so she was looking at him.

"Tommy, please. Your hurting me." she pleaded.

"You want to be hurt?" he asked as he slapped her hard across the face. Her eyes started to fill with tears as the throbbing in her cheek got stronger. "How was that you no good piece of shit? How about this?" he asked as he punched her in the jaw. Then he released her as she crumpled to the floor, holding her face and jaw.

"Tommy, please." she said trying to hold in a sob. She was trembling, the bruises from last time just started to fade.

"Don't you fucking talk to me slut." he screamed as he kicked her in the ribs.She felt a sharp crack, followed by an intense ache. Next he grabbed her by the arms and threw her on their bed.
She looked at him as if in a daze. She didn't know how he could of changed from the sweet loving guy she fell in love with into this...this monster.She knew it was from his drinking. She always told herself that it was just a phase.He roughly ripped her sweatpants and panties down and off of her legs. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you start to bleed, just to teach you a lesson, It's what you deserve." He told her as he removed his own pants and boxers. She just closed her eyes and made herself numb, Just as she did all of the other times this had happened. She blacked as she was Thanking god that she was still on her birth control.
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First Chapter! :)
A little rough but stick with me!
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