Status: Updated on Oct 1st. 2011! :D

I Need You

And that's what keeps us apart,

+|+|+Alex's P.O.V.+|+|+

I laid in my bunk trying to sleep,but couldn't like every other night. In the weeks before the only thing I could see when I closed my eyes was Lisa. I couldn't get her out of or off of my mind. I found myself having nightmares about her being with someone else. Most of them started out in the hallway of our old high school. I waved to her and she rolled her eyes and then another guy came up to her and kissed her, like I had been longing to do. The guys were always blurry and they changed a lot. But they walked down the hall towards me holding hands and they guy would always whisper things in her ear making her laugh her adorable laugh.They would make her smile her beautiful smile. They would somehow get her to do all of the things I loved about her. The backgrounds always changed.They would be at the park, at a ravens game,at her parents house, in my first car. I would always be sitting or standing behind them, as if I was in the backseat. I couldn't take anymore. All of the thoughts, dreams, memories of her, they were driving me crazy.

The only way I could get her off of my mind was to drink, drink, and drink. I knew the guys were getting worried but they never talked about it. They didn't want to give me a reason to feel worse. The first show of the tour is in the morning and I really don't want to mess up for the fans. They didn't do anything to deserve to see me like this. I was a wreck. I need to figure some way to get over this. I miss feeling like my happy go lucky self. I miss being able to make jokes with the guys and not have a weight on my chest crushing me making me feel like I can't breathe. I need to figure something out.

I thought about the last twenty-four hours trying to recall what I did. The only thing I could remember was what happened with the girl that I almost ran over on my way to the bathroom from the back lounge. I can see her perfectly. The way her dark brown almost black hair glistened as it hung over her shoulders. The way her blue eyes seemed as if they had a secret to tell. The way her light pink lips formed the most perfect pout I had ever seen. I remember how her eyes flashed pain when she smelled the booze on my breath. The way she flinched and pulled away when my hand touched her arm, As if I burned her.I was confused as to what made her react to me like that.But I can still feel the electric shock that ran through my body as her soft warm skin came in contact with my rough calloused hand. I could still smell her perfume that had hints of cotton candy, berries and another sweet smelling thing that I couldn't put my finger on. My mind was racing a mile a minute.

My stomach growled tearing me away from my thoughts.I sighed as looked at my phone it read four twenty-three. I shook my head. I need to get back on track of taking better care of myself. I would easily get sick soon if I didn't, and the tour would be brutal. I pushed my curtain open and peaked out. Everything was quiet except for the hum of the buses wheels hitting the pavement of the highway we were driving on. It looked like everyone was asleep. It was for the best. I didn't need the guys worrying about me more than they did already.

I padded into the front lounge and pulled open the fridge,It was just stocked so it was really crowded.I took a few things out trying to see what was all in here. I push somethings to the side making them click together, hopefully not too loud. I sighed and put the things in my arms back in the fridge and stood there looking in it. I was about to give up when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I turned around slightly surprised. I came face to face with the girl that I almost ran over.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I said wincing when my voice came out a little scratchy.

"It's alright. Do you want me to make you something?" She asked me with a smile on her face. I looked at her. She had her hair in a loose braid now.There was no sign of the make up that she had on earlier. She had taken off her hoodie. The grey shirt she had on fit snug around her chest and her waist. The V-neck showing the top of her cleavage.She had a pair of basketball shorts on that I recognized to be Jack's that sat low on her hips. Her slightly tan skin was peaking out of the bottom of her shirt because the shorts we a little too big for her. The bottom of the legs on the shorts reached to her mid shin.

"If you wouldn't mind." I answered her. I wonder if she realized that I was checking her out. I blushed slightly, tipping my head down looking at my hands, my shoulders slumped a little. I looked down and saw that her toe nails were painted a very hot pink. She had really small feet.

"It's no problem. Do you want a ham and cheese sandwich?" She asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah that sounds awesome." I answered smiling slightly for the first time in a long time.

"Go ahead and sit down." She said waving her hand towards the bench by the table. She took out the things to make my sandwich. Within minutes she finished and put it on a plate, I watched as she grabbed a bag of potato chips from the cupboard. She sat it down in front of me then turned to grab a bottle of water.

"You want one?" She asked showing the bottle in her hand. I just nodded seeing as my mouth was already full of a bite of the sandwich.I thought to myself that this was the best ham and cheese sandwich have ever had. She grabbed another and sat down on the other bench. She grabbed a few chips and popped on in her mouth.

"My name's Rhylee." She said breaking the silence.

"I'm Alex." I said after I swallowed what was in my mouth and before I took another bite.

"I'm with Hey Monday, It's my brothers band." She said, causing me to nod because my mouth was still full.

"I sing for ATL."I said as ate another chip.

"Sweet." She said.

I had my eyes closed as I chewed my food. By the time I was done eating,She had just finished her water. She took my plate and put it in the sink and put the chips back where they went.

"Thanks for the sandwich Rhylee. It was really good." I said with another small smile.

"Well you better get to bed, the first show is tomorrow and it looks like you haven't slept for weeks."She replied, I nodded looking at the floor again, if only she knew how long it had been since I had gotten a full nights rest.

"Good Night Rhylee." I said as I walked back to my bunk.

"See you in a few hours Alex." I heard her reply causing me to smile yet again.

I climbed into bed and closed my curtain. When I laid down and close my eyes, Lisa face slowly changed into Rhylee's. I sighed and rolled on my side. And I was out like a light.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is somewhat of a filler. I thought that you guys should know what Alex was thinking.

WARNING: The next chapter you don't HAVE to read. It's going to have some NC17 content that isn't necessary for you to read. I will summarize what happened with out all of the detail in the chapter after it! That way you can read it if you want but you also won't get lost or confused if you don't!

Just so you know guys Callmeadreamer is becoming one of my new besties! Her comments make my day! :D

Thank you to RoRo15 for leaving a comment also!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK! Nobody likes you when your 23! ;D Bc We all LOVE you! lol
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