‹ Prequel: Say You'll Haunt Me.

Another Chance.

Chapter One.

No one remembered a thing. No one remembered his death; No one remembered the posts on MySpace or Twitter; No one remember anything. The story was that he took a break from the band, to spend time with his family.

No one remembers the real reason Flare joined the band. Not even Brian, Zacky, Matt or Johnny. They only remember what everyone else remembers.

The other part of the story is that Flare and Jimmy hit it off after the tour, which is why they're together now.

No one knows the real story besides the two of them...


My eyes slowly opened and I groaned a little bit. The sun peeked through the almost closed curtains, burning my eyes. I rolled over and cuddled into Jimmy's chest. His arms tightened around my body, and for a second, I thought he was awake. When I looked up, though, his eyes were closed. I sighed.

My cream tabby, Chance, jumped up on the bed. She meowed loudly, and rubbed herself against my back.

"Mm, is that my baby girl?" Jimmy mumbled, moving his hand to scratch Chance behind her ear.

"I hope you're talking about me," I replied, pouting.

He smiled, kissing my forehead. "Oh, you know, I'm talking about the kitty." He laughed and kissed my forehead again.

"Oh, gee, thanks," I said, sarcastically. I rolled over to face Chance. She meowed again, and rubbed against my hand. "I thought I should just tell you...She loves me more, because I feed her."

Jimmy gasped, and stopped petting her. "That is a lie!" he yelled, dramatically. I laughed and sat up.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he grabbed me and pulled me down on top of him. "Hi, I beat you."

I gave him a questioning look, as he pressed his lips against mine quickly. I pulled away from him and yelled, "I need to brush my teeth!"

Jimmy smiled at me as he watched as I raced to the bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
332. :p
It's quite short, but I'll eventually get them to be longer.
This is Chance. :) She looks just like my cat (whose name is Chance) except my Chance's tail is soo much longer and her hair is shorter! :D Isn't she adorable?
This is for all of my lovely readers. It's a Journal entry on Mibba. If you don't want to read it, that's cool. I'm thinking I'm going to start writing a journal, just to keep you guys updated with everything? If that makes sense. Tell me what you think about that idea.
Comments = More, longer, better updates. ;)