‹ Prequel: Say You'll Haunt Me.

Another Chance.

Chapter Three.

"Raven, will you stop watching over them?" Aingeal asked, starting to get annoyed. It wasn't hard to get annoyed around the short, black haired woman. She did everything she could to press your buttons the wrong way.

"No. Not until I understand what he sees in
her," Raven replied, leaning over the pool so far that she was probably almost ready to fall into the pool.

Aingeal rubbed her temples. "Why are you so fanscinated in this?"

Raven sat up and stared at Aingeal with her deep, dark blue eyes. "Because, I don't see how that girl could have saved him from his total demise."

"It sounds more like you're jealous, actually," Aingeal replied.

Raven scoffed, before turning back to the pool. It showed Flare sitting in Jimmy's lap at Matthew's house. Raven hit the water, before she stood up and walked, moodily, back to the sacred golden gates.

Aingeal sighed, and moved over to the pool. The water was ruffled and the images inside the water was distorted. She moved her hand over the pool, causing water to still.

She had a sinking feeling that Raven was going to be a problem.


"Johnny, you mother fucker! Get me a god damned beer!" Jimmy yelled.

"No, you fucking giant! Crawl back up your beanstalk and get your own beer!" Johnny retorted back.

Val and I laughed our asses off from the kitchen. We were making a beer run for the guys. Lazy bastards.

"So, did you two seriously just have sex in my shower?" Val asked, as she pulled out two beers from the fridge.

"No, we haven't even had sex yet. Like we're going to do it in our best friends' shower," I replied, before laughing.

"You two haven't had sex yet?" She seemed really surprised by that. I shrugged in response.

"Nope. Why?"

"You two are so...cuddly and lovey. I just figured you two already did it," she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I giggled. "Nope. Not at all. So, if you think it, I'm assuming all the guys think we have too?"

"If they didn't before, I'm sure they do now."

"Good point." I grabbed two beers from the fridge and shut it with my foot.

"Hey, before we got back in there," Val said, suddenly dropping her voice into a quiet hush, "don't say anything, but...I'm pregnant!"

I stared at her, and suddenly started grinning like an idiot. "No way? For real?"

She nodded. "Yes! Don't tell Matt, yet. I haven't had the chance yet. A month and a half!"

I was so happy for Val. She looked ecstatic about it.

We walked out to the living room, smiling and laughing with each other. Honestly, next to Jimmy and Zacky, she was probably the one I was closest to. Michelle didn't like me, but Gena and Lacey were pretty cool with me.

As I walked passed Zacky, I handed him a beer. "I think I owe you this, since your other one is still floating in Matt's pool."

Zacky grinned at me. "Why, thank you, little lady," he replied, in a cowboy voice. I stared at him like he was crazy before returning to my spot in Jimmy's lap.

"Here you go," I said, handing him a beer.

He said thanks, before pressing his lips to my forehead.

"AWE! They are so cute!" Johnny yelled, in a girly voice, before fake gagging. Matt threw his remote at Johnny.

"Shut up. You're just jealous Jimmy's tall, Short Shit," Matt stated, before grinning at me and Jimmy.
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Fillerrr. :P
It's going to get better, promise.