Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand


I turned twenty- three, two months ago today. That has begun my brief time of immortality. I no longer age, and that will go on for more than a hundred years. I find it a little strange actually. It is a good feeling that I will not have wrinkles for a long time. It bothers me that I will outlive my family and other humans that I have grown up with.

For the past two years, I have been bending, running the show, and taking care of my family. Not to mention, spending all other time with Aaron. Life has been pretty simple for a while. Elwen and Lily got married, and they just had their first child, Lewan, two days ago. He is the cutest thing ever. He is now the Prince and heir of the kingdom, and I could see that Elwen was just bursting with joy over having a healthy son.

"Kida, where is my book?" My father asked me. I was in the air kingdom for a few days trying to catch up on what was going on there.

"On the table silly. Remember, it is right where you put it," I told him, making some smart-ass gestures.

"Ha ha, very funny," he replied, picking up the book and leaving the room. Aaron came sweeping in a minute later with some goofy smile on his face.

"Hey, Aaron. I didn't know you were coming," I told him with a smile. I jsut could not help smiling around him. It was so easy.

"Wow. It is rare when someone or something surprises you. How are you?"

"Just fine. Come on, let's go and chill in my gardens." We walked hand in hand to my beautiful gardens. During the past two years, I have been planting, landscaping, and remodeling the gardens. They are beautiful, and I have something in the kingdom that no one else is allowed to touch. Being High Queen allows me to set some sort of boundries witht he gardeners. We sat and talked for a while, when Aaron stopped me.

"Kida, I have something very important to say," he began and got on one knee. "High Queen Kida Christina Maria, I am so in love with you and will stay this way forever. Will you marry me?"

My heart was racing, and I had a tight feeling in my throat from excitement. All I could get out was a little "Yes."

He slid the ring on my finger. It was a gold band with a diamond in the middle and two small emeralds on either side. I kissed him, and he lifted me up in a hug that lasted forever.

"Come on, we have to tell my father," I said laughing with joy. We sprinted into the castle and found him in the great room.

"Father, I am getting married," I blurted out. He just smiled and hugged the both of us.

"I am happy you said yes, because that is what I told Aaron when he asked me," he said this with the smile never leaving his face.

I was so grateful that he had accepted my decision for a man. "Thanks father. I guess I'll leave tomorrow to tell mother."

"You better because she may kill the three of us if you delay it any longer." Aaron and I laughed at that, and the next morning we were off. We arrived at the village at noon and immediately went to the house.

"Kida, Aaron, I was just-" My mother stopped speaking once she saw my left hand. She let out a squel and rushed over to us.

"Oh congrats! I am so happy for the both of you!" Then she yelled, "Gabe! Kida's getting married!" Dad rushed into the room to congradulate the both of us. My sisters and brother all came in and were so excited. They were jumping up and down and asking if they could be a part of the wedding. Their excitement made my day, and already I was thinking of all the planning that was going to go into the wedding.

My mother must have seen my expression. "We will see. We'll start planning it in a month or so," she answered for me. They calmed down and went back outside. I could hear them running and screaming the news to anyone that was willing to listen to them.

"Congradulations Kida," my eldest sister, Kira said. She turned seventeen last week and was starting to be asked out by other boys. Fortunately, I was able to give her some advice.

"Thanks, Kira. Would you be the maid of honor?" I knew I wanted her to be a part of this. We had grown so close in the past two years, and I felt that this was the final thing that was finally going to fix our relationship that I ruined by not being around.

She got so excited. "I would love to! Thank you so much!" She rushed over, and gave Aaron and I a huge hug. Then she ran out the door as well to tell her friends.

"Well, they all took that well," Aaron said after all the excitement. We all laughed and went into the kitchen to talk.

"I cannot believe that you are engaged to be married. It seems like just yesterday that we were meeting Aaron for the first time," my mother said as we settled down to talk.

"I know, mother. Time seems to fly by," I answered her. The four of us were all wearing smiles that I knew were not going to disappear in the next week, and I really did not want them to.
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Well, this is it. The last book, and here is the first chapter. Please enjoy and give me some comments!