Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand

Plans begin

We are still five days from the mountains, and I can feel the nerves mounting. We left the kingdoms five days ago and finished the final battle plans yesterday. The battle will begin with me leading the bulk of the forces, and the birds providing distraction from the air. The Kings and Queens will be leading their separate forces, with archers in the trees in front of them. Aaron will be by my side, along with Nani, and the wolves will be behind the elven forces. The River Women will take whatever positions they please. Elendil and Lilly will take their groups away from us before the fighting starts. I am supposed to keep this all together, and I have no idea how.

"Kida, may I speak with you," Elwen came and interrupted my thoughts.

"Of course, my dear friend. What is it?"

He sat down next to me and hugged me close. Then, he started to speak. "I remember meeting you for the first time six years ago. You were so brave and frightened at the same time. Now you are the High Queen and still the same frightened, brave, little, girl I met. I wanted to let you know that it comforts the army to see you are a little frightened too. It makes them remember that we are not invincible."

"I did not realize that anyone else had noticed."

"They do, and trust me when I say this. It makes them feel better about themselves to know that you are scared a little too. Thank you for being yourself."

"Thanks for telling me Elwen. It is nice to know that my nerves help," I answered and gave him a nice hug. Aaron came and joined me after Elwen left.

"Hey babe. Where is your ring?" He asked looking down at my left hand.

"On here," I answered and showed him a gold chain I found in the castle. I had looped the ring around it.


"So I don't lose it, and I do not want the enemy knowing that we are engaged. I feel like it would put you in even more danger."

"Danger is my middle name, honey. Besides, I will be around you the whole time anyway. Right?"

"That's the plan." We got up and joined the others for a small dinner. The next day, the army was up and moving. Nani and Aaron kept close to me all day. We made a day progress by nightfall. Elendil's group is going to split from ours tomorrow during the day. We cannot afford to split up any closer because there will be too much going on.

The next day around lunchtime we said our good-byes to the crews. They totaled around fifty elves in all and Nani was joining them. She was leading the first group, with Elendil and Lily in the second.

"Be careful, all of you. If something goes wrong or you are unable to complete your mission, send a message or get your asses back here," I said. "Keep each other safe, and I wish you good luck."

"Thank you High Queen," was the general reply. Elendil was saying good-bye to Aaron and his father, and Lily was with Elwen. They finished and Elendil and Elwen shared a look. Then, they were off. Only a few others actually knew what the groups planned on doing.
That night we met up with the wolves, and now we were only three days out.

"High Queen, Prince Aaron," the Alpha greeted us. "Another one hundred wolves joined us in the past week, and you will be pleased to know that things are running smoothly.

"Excellent," Aaron said. We discovered that he could understand them better and respond if he was holding my hand. "Thank you for all you have done to help us."

"We serve the High Queen. Is there anything specific you want us to do?" He addressed the question to me.

"Yes, Lord Wolf. I wish to speak to all the wolves if I may."

"Of course," he answered. To the other wolves there he said,"Spread the word that the High Queen Kida wishes to speak with all of us." They ran off and in a few minutes, all the wolves had assembled and were quiet.

"Lords and Lady wolves I welcome you and thank you for coming. In total, there are almost an seven hundred of you, and this is a huge help to end the war. You will be a part of the third phase of fighting. Tomorrow the elves will march and then I will march with you after they all pass. When we arrive at the mountains, the elves will set up and the birds and archers will lead the first assault. Then, the benders along with the rest of the army. When the time comes, I will lead you all into the battle."

"What exactly do you want us to do once we join the fight?" The lead Alpha asked.

"I wish for you all to make quick attacks. Nothing fancy and if a fellow wolf is hurt, I wish for you to take him or her off of the battlefield. I want minimal deaths and will not have you all dying on me. The elves will assist you all in anyway that they can. There are others that can understand you without my help."

"Thank you again High Queen."

"I will return tomorrow morning to wait with you all," I said my good-night and left with Aaron.

"That is quite a force you have gathered," he said. He looked really impressed, and my heart swelled with pride.

"I know, and they may be the key to winning."
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Sry. I have been busy. I'll update more frequently. Thank you so much for reading and please comment.