Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand

Last day

I watched my father and the others take the lead as they marched the elves past the wolves and I. I was proud and happy that things were moving smoothly. Aaron and I left our horses with the army because the wolves freak them out.

"Kida, all the elves are gone," Aaron came up and told me.

"Then it is time we begin our march as well," I answered and took the lead along with the Alpha wolf. For the next three days we marched calmly and confidently. In the middle of the third day we reached the end of the forest and the beginning of the mountain base. This is where the battle will begin.

"Alright. My fellow wolves, you will stay here and be on the alert. Get some patrols moving so you can get the feel of this place. I will be back tonight to let you know what is going on." With that, Aaron and I joined the elves. They were camped about four hundred meters ahead and four hundred meters away from where the battlegrounds will be. We went to the medics base.

"High Queen, all the medical supplies are distributed, and we are all ready here," the head doctor told me.

"Good, thank you for doing do quickly. Do all the elves know where to come and find you?''

"Yes, High Queen, and there will be some nurses on the field. I have some who can talk to the wolves."

"Have them where these," I handed him red armbands. "This way elves and wolves will know who to see. I will come at the end of every battle day to see what is going on in here. Make sure all soldiers are able to fight before sending them back out. There is absolutely no problem with telling them they can no longer fight."

"Thank you, High Queen. I will relay that to every one else here." After that, Aaron and I left to see the other units. The battle will either start tonight or tomorrow morning.

"Kida!" Elendil shouted. We walked over to him. "I have my earth benders scouting the area and so far they find the field to be flat and easy to maneuver. There are some hills off to the right side, and the Dark will have a good advantage with the mountain terrain. There are many caves and ledges that they can position themselves on."

"Are there any weak points in the mountains, as in rock slides?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing that I have found out yet. Oh, here comes a Lieutenant now."

"High Queen, my King, Prince Aaron," he addressed us all before continuing," there have been no weak points found and we have found some nice areas in the Eastern field that will provide the water benders with some nice supplies. Some River Women have positioned themselves there already."

"Thank you soldier," Elendil said. "Get the others back to base."

"Yes, sir," he answered and bowed to us. I walked with Elendil and Aaron back to base. We arrived just as the Generals started to make their reports.

"All units are in place and I have checked it all myself. The archers are set and medical supplies are distributed. Everyone knows where to go and what to do if things get hectic."

"Excellent," I said. "Does anyone have any questions?"

We were interrupted by shouting and a soldier ran in. "High Queen, Royals, the Dark army has been spotted and a few have stepped forward."

"Come with me!" I shouted as I ran out with the others. Aaron and my father took my sides and the others joined up around us. Queen Lyalle joined us as well on Aaron's left side. Some of the army officials came up behind us and we spotted the leaders of the Dark army on the middle of the mountain.

"High Queen Kida, welcome to your death place. You other royals too," the Leader said. I don't bother with the bastards' names.

"Yeah, yeah. When does the fun begin?" I answered.

"Tomorrow, like we agreed before. We will be waiting," Leader answered and they receded back into the mountain face. The others and I went back into base and that night I made my speech. Some of the lead wolves came to listen as well.

"My friends, tomorrow begins the most important days of our lives. During the next days, weeks, or months, we will be tested to the limits of our abilities and will have to fight to survive. You are all brave men and women who have decided to fight for the rights of your children and other elves. Tomorrow strikes a new beginning.

We will lose some friends. Unfortunately that is what happens in war. The enemy will lose more because they fight will greed and hate. We fight with honor, bravery, and love. Our duty to the forest and all those in it outweighs the Dark Army's reason to try and conquer us. I want you all prepared and tomorrow we fight for our rights!"

Not the best speech, but it got the point across and they cheered anyway. The night patrols were set and we settled in for our last good night's sleep for a while.

"Kida?" Aaron asked to see if I was awake. I was.


"Do you think the army is ready for this?"

"They better be because there will be no greater challenge to the elves during our time," I answered as he grabbed me and pulled me close for the night. I closed my eyes and wished this was a dream, but I knew that this was the beginning of a nightmare.
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enjoy and the chaos shall begin!