Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand

Rock slide

We have been at war for a month now and fortunately we have not had too many deaths. Unfortunately, there has been no word from Lily and the others. We have no idea if they are dead or alive, but we keep pushing on.

Today, the earth benders are starting an attack on the mountain itself. The goal is to damage the viewpoints of the enemy's leaders. Elwen is leading the attack. I will step in if necessary, but I am personally leading the air benders today. We will be pushing crap up toward the enemy.

"Kida, the benders are set," Elwen said.

"Good. Is there sufficient cover for them?" I asked the head archer.

"Yes, we will keep shooting until they are done," he replied.

"Let's do this," Elwen said and he and the other benders started their run to the mountain. The archers opened fire, and the assault was on.

"Air benders, give em all you got!" I commanded and we started to blast the lowest points. The River women were doing a great job at not letting the ground army advance on our right side across the river. The wolves still are fighting with short quick deaths, and not too many are dead their either. Laki and the birds do their own thing.

I could see that the army was tired and now decided to fight in shifts. Between shifts there was a two hour break for sleep and eating. The Generals came up with that strategy and it seemed to help a little. I was worried about the crew that was supposed to be on the mountain.

"Lady Nanina, I can see a camp up ahead," an archer told her from his view in the tree.

"How far?"

"About half a mile," he replied and joined the others on the ground.

"Well, we need to get in a good position to give the signal to Kida and the others. That seems like the best place to be," Lily said.

"Queen Lily has a good point," the best archer, Robin, said. She was the number one archer in all the kingdoms. "Us archers have a good view to shoot from and there is water for Lady Nanina and Queen Lily. You can bend from anywhere, right Prince Elendil?"

"As long as there is oxygen, and I can see not shortage in that," he said. They got ready to attack the camp of seventy.

"Keep going!" I heard Elwen yell. The archers were providing some support but the earth benders seemed to be taking some hard hits. My part of today's mission was don,e and I raced over help them, leaving Aaron behind. I don't think he noticed.

"Kida, we have to get out," Elwen told me. "There are too many Dark forces coming toward us, and I think we have done enough for today.

"I agree let's-" I stopped as we heard a terrible rumble. We both looked up to see over a ton of rocks coming toward the crew.

"Get them out!" I shouted to Elendil. "EVERYBODY MOVE!" I screamed, and they all started to run. I summoned some freaking power and slowed the approach of the rocks. Just as I was about to give out, I heard Elendil shouting at me to move, and I looked up to see Aaron with a horrified face running at me.

I closed my eyes as the rocks crashed down on me.

"NO!" Aaron screamed and started to run faster toward the rocks. Elendil grabbed him saying,"If we go there we die. Kida did that to save us and we need to move away from here. Let's go."

Elendil winced at Aaron's heat but continued to drag him toward the camp. The battles took a lull at that moment because the Dark and elves thought Kida was dead. The others met up at the camp.

"What happened?" Demanded Leto. He had a nice black eye and the left side of his face was huge and puffy. He was confused at the reports that his daughter was dead.

"There was a rock slide and Kida saved us all. She got caught underneath. I am so sorry Leto," Elendil answered. The others looked like they were ready to cry. Even Levan, who was not as close, put his head down.

"Where do we go from here?" Isabel asked. The others just looked down and did not know what to say.

"I'll tell you what we do," Aaron started to say. "We keep going because the fate of the forest rests on our shoulders. Kida would want it this way."

"I agree," Queen Lyalle came into the tent. "I just received the signal from Nani to get elves and wolves moving up the mountain. They have secured a base and await assistance before moving on.

"Then we will send them some," Leto answered. To the others he said, "Go and get those picked to go ready."

While they got ready, a hand stirred under a ton of rocks.
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