Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand

Epilogue Part I: Sixty years later

"Kida, are you feeling alright?" Aaron called from the other room.

"Just fine Mr. Paranoid," I called back with a smile.

Sixty years has passed since my wedding and they have gone by just perfectly. I have been running around the forest, checking on the flourishing kingdoms and gaining more power. There have been a few instances where the Dark have come up, but they have no power left, and I dealt with them easily. My human dad, Gabe, died about ten years ago, but my mother, and siblings are still around in the human village. I visit them often. Koda is the battlemaster and the village is safe.

Aaron as been so pushy because we are expecting our first child, a girl. I am five and a half months into my pregnancy and for elves it can be anywhere from five to six and a half months. I have not be allowed to bend, and I cannot wait to have the baby.

"Here honey," Aaron said as he handed me a glass of water.

"Thank you. Is the baby's room all finished?"

"Yeah, I just checked on it today. They are letting the paint dry and then you will be called up to help with the placement of the furniture. I am so excited."

"I can tell. You have been bouncing around for months." Just then, my father came and sat with us and we talked about how all our friends are doing.

Alia, Elendil, and Soren are all at the sea for a visit. Soren is sixty years old now and he is becoming a powerful young prince. He is the spitting image of his father, and acts like him too. He does have his mother's eyes, and spends a lot of time at the sea with her as well.

Lily and Elwen are doing just fine in their kingdoms and they have a son, Rickard, and a daughter, Holly. Both children are in their sixties, and are just like their parents.

Isabel and her son, Fenel, are both doing awesome and Fenel just turned sixty-five yesterday. I am exhausted from the traveling to see them.

My father was dicussing my plans until I had the baby. "I hope you do not plan going anywhere, Kida."

"I don't. I am so tired from yesterday, and I have nowhere to go really."

"Good. My grandaughter needs to be healthy."

That next month passed slowly for me. I was confind to the kingdom, and I spent most of that time in my beautliful garden relaxing while Aaron was a nervous nelly. I laughed at him almost evry day. I was worried when that six and a half month mark passed, and I still was not having my baby.

"Please, do not worry High Queen. Becasue you are part human, it is taking a little longer for you," the doctor said. That calmed me down a little.

Two weeks later I was sitting outside with Rose when the cramps came.

"Uh, Rose, I think I am having the baby," I said. She immediately sprung up yelled for some help and got me into my room. I could hear Aaron freaking out in the hallway with my father trying to calm him down.

The next hour sucked. No one needs the details, but having a baby is the most uncomfortable thing ever. I had a beautiful air bending girl in the end.

"She is so perfect," Aaron told me. "What name did you decide on?" We had agreed on a couple of different possibilites.

"Liere. I think it fits her."


That next month went by in a blur. I was up most of the night and day taking care of our baby. We decided to visit my family after that month. It was definately the most wonderful month of my life.
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just wrapping Kida's story up. There may be one or two more chapters, not too sure yet. Enjoy!