Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand

The Plan

I didn't sleep. I spent the entire night in the forest trying to figure out what the hell the elves are going to do. The entire Dark army is going to be mobilized and ready, and I must find a force big enough to fight them. Just then Laki landed next to me, and I figured out what to do.

I joined the others at breakfast, and I was met with solemn looks and a cold kiss from Aaron. Alia was not there.

"Elendil, where is Alia? Is she alright?"

"She is seeing Isabel's doctor. She threw up this morning and has no idea why she feels like crap."

"Watch your language around my child," Isabel said with a laugh. Fenel just giggled and ate more of his food mush. That seemed to diffuse the tention, and we were able to eat something.

An hour later, we met in the Great room and started to get down to business. Elendil was not there because he had gone to find out what was up with Alia. The others looked a me expectantly.

"Well, we all know that there are not enough elves to put up a fantastic fight. I have figured out what we can do about that." I stopped there waiting for someone to speak.

"Kida, I am an old man, and connot handle suspense. Please just tell us what is going on," Elwen said.

"We enlist the help of the forest." That brought confused looks. "Listen," I continued, "Laki can get the help off all the great birds of prey and any other great bird. I can get the wolves to help me because they are loyal to me. Those are thousands of more allies. The River women will join in the fun too, because they are threatened. We can do this, as long as we use all of our assets."

They just sat in silence and nodded to each other until my father spoke. "That is brilliant. It is the only thing we can do, and we need to maximize our help. I say let's draw up the plans and do it."

Just then, Elendil burst into the room with a huge smile on his face. "Alia is pregnant!" He exclaimed. "She is two months along!"

We all sat confused for a couple of moments and then got up and congradulated him and hugged him. "She is sleeping right now," he told us.

"We were just about to start planning, but you may stay with Alia if you wish," his father, Levan, told him.

"She sent me here because she felt that this was much more important," he answered and then we began with the plans.

We spent five hours planning and discussing on how this was going to work. Where the wolves were going to gather, the birds, and how the benders were going to be used, were just a few of the topics talked about. Alia came in once we had decided to stop, and dinner was brought to us. Alia looked really unhappy and did not say much during the whole ordeal.

Everyone went to bed early, and I stepped outside with Alia. "What is wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing I guess," she replied as we walked the grounds.

"That is not an answer. Talk to me." I stopped walking and she was forced to turn around and look at me.

"I mean, I am happy that Elendil and I are going to have a baby, but this means that I cannot fight in the war."

I started dying. I laughed so hard that Alia looked like she was going to slap me. "Alia, I cannot believe you are being serious. You can help in so many ways, even if you will not participate in the battle. How much longer are you going to be pregnant for? "

"The doctor said it looks like I'll be pregnant for six to seven months," she answered. Elves were not pregnant as long as humans or water women are, but since Alia is a little of everything it is hard to be sure.

"I thought water women are pregnant longer," I said.

"Yes, but they are usually pregnant with a water child. I have an elven child. I hope it is a boy."

"I just hope everything goes well, would you please get some rest, and I'll give you the update tomorrow." Alia smiled, and we both got some rest.

The next morning, we were sitting at breakfast trying to figure out what to tell the other elves. We decided that I had to make the announcements and tell everyone the plans. This would help the elves understand, and they listen to whatever I say. Aaron and I stepped out to the gardens for some peace and freah air. He seemed to have calmed down some from a few days ago.

"What are you planning?" He asked as he held me close.

"I am planning on doing whatever possible to save the elves and the forest. It is my duty to keep them safe."

"I am coming with you everywhere.. I will not let you out of my sight," he held me closer and I could hear the determination in his voice.

"Why so serious?"

"Because everytime I let you out of my sight or anyone else's, you either do something stupid or something happens to you." He traced my scars.

"Fine then, but you must do everything that I say."

"I'll do anything for my soon-to-be wife," he answered and we spent the rest of the day together. I realized that this could be the last great time we have for the next half a year or more. For the war, I plan on dying or winning, because to me there is no middle ground.
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things will move pretty fast from here....it think. thank you for reading and please comment if you think something should be added or changed. Thanks!