Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand


It has been two weeks since my father walked in on the First Queen and I. That means that we have a month left before we head for war, and two- and -a -half weeks before we march to toward the great mountians. I am pretty nervous.

"How are the wolves, Alpha?" Aaron and I were paying a visit. I still have not heard from Laki.

"Just fine High Queen. Twenty more came yesterday, and they say that they are the last. In total you have five hundred wolves from hundreds of miles here to do whatever you command. I am the undisputed leader and I will give them your messages," he replied.

I was shocked at the final number for my army. "Wow. Thank you again. Tell them I thank them and will be here next week to go over the plans. Find another wolf who can lead aside you."

"Of course High Queen," he replied and left quickly. Aaron and I returned to the fire kingdom.

On the way we discussed the wolves. "What are you going to have them do?" Aaron asked me.

"I want them spit into two groups because we have enough. From there, they will be led by one wolf and will conduct attacks on the flanks of the army. That way, the wolves and elves are comfortable and I can find the wolves quickly."

"You got all of this in your head?"

"And yours too. I need to make sure that all of you know what to do if-" I stopped there because I cannot say 'If I die' around Aaron. He stayed silent.

"KIDA!" We both heard my name screamed across the yard. Queen Jade was coming toward us and she looked furious.

"What are we supposed to do if you take every available fighter away? Women and children will be left here undefended!" She said, attracting some attention from the maids passing through the yard.

"Mother please-" Aaron tried to intervene.

"Don't give me any crap Aaron. Just because you are head over heels in love with her does not mean you have to side with her all the time."

"Jade, quiet down because you are making a scene," I said"Secondly, you are to address me as High Queen in public. She did both. "If we do not bring the entire fighting force, then what point do we have. It will do no good to leave anyone here. You know that."

She stood there for a while and then walked away. "I hate her," a voice came from behind us. We turned and there was Alia.

"We know that," Aaron laughed. "How's the baby."

"A pain in the ass. I am always tired and I feel fat," she answered unhappily. "Plus, we think it is going to be a fire bender because I am hot all the time now. I wish I could come and fight with you all in a month."

"You will be fine Alia, and besides we will need you here to keep things calm for Jade. I am not confident that she can make sure that all the kingdoms are alright," I said.

"I heard that Lily wants to go with Elwen to war. Is that true?"

"Yes, and he is not happy with that. He wants her to stay and run the earth kingdom and to take care of their baby. I think we need her, and Elwen's advisors can take care of it anyway. That leaves you, Jade, and a couple of baby princes as the only royal families left here," I answered and then we all went inside.

"Hey guys," Elendil shouted from across the hall. He and Alia joined us for lunch.

"How are the plans going Kida?" He asked me.

"Just fine, and I think everything will be ready in time to go. The wolves are all here, and the elves are ready to go. And-"

We were inturrupted by a loud shouting. We stepped to the window to find hundreds of birds flying ahead. I recognized some of them from the sea. Laki came and landed on my shoulder. The others were just standing with their mouths open at the vast number of great birds flying overhead.

"How could I ever doubt you?" I said, and he pressed his cheek to mine. "Great job. Go and get them settled away from the wolves, and I will come in two days." Laki flew and gave a great screech and the birds followed him. Some of the elves in the yard gave a great cheer as the birds continued on.

That night I sat by the river enjoying the peace, and Aaron found me. "Hey darling, you okay?"

"Just fine," I answered not meeting his eyes. He sat down next to me and tilted my head up until I was looking into his eyes. "What is up?"

"I am afraid." He just looked at me and then started to laugh. I did not find it funny at all.

"Of all people. Kida, I know you fear for everyone, but you are just going to have to trust that everyone can take care of themselves and that they know what to do. Oh, by the way, some of the elves think you are some kind of God or something."

I smiled at that. "Why?"

"Because you can do everything and you are only half elven. The birds today convinced some of them of that."

"Speaking of that, we have to visit my family after we visit the birds in two days. I need to be battlemaster and I don't have much time before we leave."

"Don't worry Kida. We can do this."

That is exactly what I was worried about.
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