Elven Chronicles Book 4: The Final Stand

Ten more days

"Laki, behave or the birds may get jealous," I told him. Aaron and I had arrived in the morning, and I was having Laki take care of the birds of prey. There had to be at least seven hundred of them, from the smallest falconet to the grand eagles. They covered the trees with no competition between them. From what we had seen, they all hunted for each other and cared for the group. It was like a spell had been placed upon them.

"Laki, I need you to tell them the plan and in two days move them toward the mountains and have them land here," I commanded as I circled a point on a map. I got a nod and a coo and he flew off to start letting the birds know. I had now idea how this worked, and I really did not care. Laki was taking care of the job.

"Aaron, let's go," I said and we dashed off toward the human village. I really needed to see my mom.

"Kida! Aaron!" My sisters shouted from the yard. We greeted them and found my mother inside the house.

"Hey guys, this is a surprise. I did not expect you for another month before you had to leave."

"Kida needed a day here," Aaron said and excused himself. I spoke when he left the room.

"Mother, this is so insane. We have thousands ready to fight and I still have no idea how it is all going to turn out. So far so good, I think."

She thought for a moment and said, "You have no idea what else to do."

"You know me so well."

"Kida, you have gathered an army, led your people, and given it your all. For the next month, you just need to keep things smooth and let things run their course. Then, you will know that everything is just fine."

"Thanks. That is just what I needed to hear. I have to go and be the battlemaster know."

"Go for it."

I spent the rest of the afternoon managing the village. Everything and one was in order and there was not too much to do. I assessed Koda because he is the next battlemaster, and he seemed just fine. I arrived home for dinner and a nice meal with the family.

"Kida, is what you are doing dangerous?" Koda asked me during dinner. My parents and sisters stopped eating to hear my response.

"Yes, Koda, war is dangerous," I tried to reply with a neutral tone.

"Are you going to come back alive?"

I paused before answering,"If I can." Aaron took a quick breath in, but no one noticed except me.

"Okay. I hope you don't die." He said this so innocently, I did not know what was the right response. I just choked out an answer.

"Me too," I whispered. My mother saved me by bringing up school and how everyone was doing.

I spent that night thinking about what Koda had asked and I realized how hard it must be for them when I was gone so much. Even when there was no war, I only came home once a week. I decided then that I was going to come home more often after the war.

The next day Aaron and I had to leave for the air kingdom. I said my good-byes and promised to come back before we headed off to war. That would be in a week-and-a-half.
We made it to the air kingdom just in time for a grand argument between the senior airbenders.

"You idiot! If you teach them to defend themselves like that they will all die!" One yelled to the other.

"You are too damn soft. If we did it your way, then they would be crushed!' The other replied and blasted some air at the other. The young benders just watched with wide eyes.

"Just wait young benders. High Queen Kida will sort this out for you," Aaron told them. I just winked at them and stepped forward.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled and blasted them with air. They tried to put up shields and failed. I sent them flying back ten feet.

"Now you see, neither of your techniques work or you would have stayed on your feet. Get up."

They scrambled to their feet and ran toward me, while muttering an apology.

"I don't care how sorry you are, but it is important that these young benders can defend themselves. I know you both taught them how to fight beautifully, but they will be dead if they cannot defect an attack. I will take over the lessons for the afternoon while you two plan on the lessons for tomorrow. If I hear a single argument, I promise you both will be demoted."

"Yes, High Queen Kida," they replied and left.

I turned to the others, "Now let's get started." I spent the rest of the afternoon teaching while Aaron checked on the army for me. It all was going well, and I dicussed it with my father at dinner.

"Kida, we leave in ten days, right?" He asked me.

"That is the plan. The birds have already left and the wolves leave in three days. I have to find Nani and find out when they wish to leave."

"I cannot believe that the war is almost here."

"Me neither." And I am not ready to see my subjects die
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i could not think of a better chapter title..hahaha....enjoy and please comment!