Vampire love story

Chapter 11

Nick and Tracy reviewed the facts on the crime scene sniper. He seemed to have gotten his fill, and no incidents were reported after the first two. "What about the idea that reporter was the real target, and the first time the paramedic was just an accident?"

"Makes sense," Nick mused. "From what I've heard, this reporter had a lot of enemies. But why the crime scene?"

"To make us think it's a nut job." The two victims had no common interests, no connection whatsoever besides living in Toronto. "Let's go over her list of enemies again."

"Why don't we start with the boyfriend again. These cases are usually personal."

On their way out of the precinct, Reese stopped them, "Knight, Vetter, we've got a body down at The Raven."

Nick and Tracy looked at each other, their thoughts riding the same train. "We've got it Captain."

As they left the precinct, they could hear Reese muttering something about that damned spooky place, who would ever want to go there anyway? Looks like a good place to get killed just walking in...

Natalie was already at the scene, the body covered. Nick knelt down beside her and quietly asked, "One of ours?"

"No, one of ours. Knife fight over the favors of one young nymph. Guess what? He lost."

Tracy looked around for Vachon. He was playing with the band that night, so she knew he'd be there. He was, however, conspicuously absent.

The hairs on the back of her neck tingled.

Walking back to Nick and Natalie, she waited for the report. Nick helped Natalie up, keeping his arm on her shoulder. Tracy couldn't shake the feeling they were being watched.

Across the street, Vachon stood on the rooftop hunting the man. He'd seen someone up here, and wondered if the man was dangerous or just curious. The clientele of The Raven didn't necessarily like the curious. He wondered why he didn't just attack, but guessed some of Tracy's blood had tainted him with discretion. Great, he thought disgustedly, now I'm a Wuss Vampire. Spotting the man, he walked up silently behind him, not seeing the rifle in his hands.

Nick was interviewing a witness when he sensed the danger, heard the shot. Instantly he threw Natalie to the ground, covering her with his body.

Vachon attacked at the sound of the rifle. Before he could bite, the power of his attack knocked the man over the edge, falling to his death.

Neither vampire saw the bullet hit Tracy, jerking her body backwards, sprawling her in a slow pool of her own blood.


Vachon felt his own body jerk, and knew Tracy was hurt. Looking down, he saw her lying on the ground. Before Nick could reach her, Vachon was there, reaching for her, the smell of her blood swirling around him.

"Tracy? Come on, Trace, talk to me. Don't go anywhere, Trace. Come on, baby, talk to me."

Cradling her, fearing the life leaving her body, he was only vaguely aware of the cries around them. Nick and Natalie knelt beside them, tears on Natalie's face, anguish on Nick's. He wouldn't lose her.

Not caring who saw, he picked her up and looked to the sky, preparing to take her. Knowing his plans, Natalie grabbed him. "You can't, Vachon. She doesn't want this."

"She doesn't want to leave me, Natalie. I know that."

"Vachon, put her down. Let them take her to the hospital. You've got to give her the chance."

"And if she dies?" Tormented eyes pleaded with them. Neither friend could answer him. "I'm sorry, Vachon. But there's still hope."

They could hear the sirens approaching, and Vachon slowly dropped to his knees, shaking, silently crying. "Don't leave me, baby," he whispered, over and over.

Natalie gasped, loud enough for only Nick to hear. "What's wrong, Nat?"

"Nick, look at him. His tears are clear."


Captain Reese and Commissioner Vetter were already at the hospital by the time Tracy arrived. Vachon rode with Tracy, "convincing" the paramedics to let him ride in the back. Nick and Natalie were right behind, traveling the more conventional way.

"If Tracy starts to die, will he bring her across?" Natalie asked Nick.

"I would."

"Even though Tracy told him she didn't want it?"

"I don't know, Nat. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that." He thought about the way Vachon whammied the paramedics. "Natalie, I know we should just be thinking about Tracy right now, but Vachon's becoming mortal, isn't he? Just like Janette?"

"Yes and no. Yes, his body is starting to show signs of mortality. He no longer heals like a vampire, he doesn't need to drink Tracy's blood every time they're together, although I think he still does often. I thought the trauma of seeing Tracy shot would cause him to turn completely, especially when I saw his tears. But then I saw him hypnotize those paramedics, so apparently he still is a vampire."

She was silent and sad. "Let's just hope we don't find out if it takes Tracy's death to complete his transformation."


Vachon refused to leave Tracy's side, even when the doctors ordered him out. Nick and Natalie walked in on the argument, and Nick put his arm around Vachon, casually using his strength to force Vachon from the room. "How could you make me leave? I have to be there if --". He couldn't say the words.

Nick could feel the desperation in Vachon, and couldn't help wondering what he'd do in that situation. "The doctor's need to work on her, and it's better if you're not there. Let's just go sit down." Leading him to the waiting area, he saw Natalie talking to Reese and Richard Vetter.

Nick could sense the hostility in Vachon towards Tracy's father. Every time Vachon had drunk from Tracy, he tasted the many times she fell short of her father's wishes, and her constant need to please this man. He knew the hurt she carried because of him, her doubts that she'd ever measure up.

He saw the pain on the face of Tracy's father, and wanted to add to it.

Richard Vetter saw the man walking down the hallway with Detective Knight, and refused to believe this was the man his daughter was seeing. Surely this was a joke. This man looked like a criminal! Don't they have combs where he comes from?

He saw the pain on the face of this young man, and wanted to add to it.

The tension in the room was thick and uncomfortable. Both men measured up the other, and both found the other lacking. Reese, Nick and Natalie all stepped back self-consciously, not wanting to be a party to this particular meeting.

Still no words were spoken. This showdown apparently had the rule that whoever talks first, loses. Natalie couldn't take the silence a moment more. Stepping forward to introduce them, she was cut short by the appearance of the doctor. Locating the young man, he turned to Vachon.

"Are you Javier Vachon?" the doctor asked. Tracy's father stepped in.

"I'm Commissioner Vetter, Tracy's father. Perhaps you should talk to me."

The doctor studied the scene before him. He will never understand power plays at a hospital. Turning from the commissioner, he turned back to the young man, obviously in torment. "Tracy's going to be okay. The bullet went right through her. She was in shock, but we've stabilized her."

Vachon felt his eyes blaze, and had to keep them down until he controlled them. Looking up, he thanked the doctor. "Thank you so much, Doctor. She means - everything - to me." He seemed mildly embarrassed by his public display. "Can I see her now?"

"She's sleeping now, but she did regain consciousness before. She was asking for you. Give us a while to settle her in her room, then you can join her. We'll want to keep her a few days, just to monitor her. There shouldn't be any problem, but with a shock like this, the next few days are crucial."

Vachon didn't like the sound of that. "Is she still in danger?"

"No, Mr. Vachon, nothing like that. And I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sure the baby will be fine."