Vampire love story

Chapter 13

Tracy's dreams pulled her away from wakefulness. She knew she had somewhere to be, work wasn't it? But she was so tired. And her dreams were so sweet.

A small perfect baby with Javier's eyes and her lips. Javier's son. She smiled and two perfect fangs smiled back at her. She laughed at her fancy.

She next dreamed of a blond beauty with huge brown eyes. Dressed in pink, she ran into the waiting arms of her daddy, spinning her round the room and placing flowers in her hair.

The electricity in the room forced her to wakefulness. Dusk had fallen. Feeling the presence of another in the room, she reached out with eyes closed. "Javier?"


She knew that voice. Sitting up with a jerk, she bit back a cry of pain as her wound made itself known. She looked into the glowing eyes of The Inca. "You're dead. You're supposed to be dead. How -- Why - What are you doing here?"

"I've come to take you away from here." Fear paralyzed Tracy. She knew she had no defense against him, and her heart screamed for Vachon.

"Please don't. I beg you. Leave us alone." He seemed to grow larger in front of her, the eyes of the vampire turning her blood cold.

"I am not going to hurt you. You must come with me. The life of my brother's son depends on it."

Tracy wanted to scream, wanted to run. The words the Inca spoke stilled her. "How did you know?"

Lifting Tracy in his arms, he headed towards the window. "We have no time to waste." Flying out the window, Tracy just missed the entrance of the new doctor assigned to her case.

The Enforcer's eyes glowed red as she discovered the empty bed.


Vachon sat with Natalie, going over his latest tests. "The results of the last analysis showed what we expected: the presence of viable sperm. From all indications, everything looks normal, considering it still comes from the blood semen."

She switched to another paper. "These results have me confused, Vachon. These are your current blood levels. The vampire agent has remained stable for the last three weeks. You're still drinking Tracy's blood, aren't you?"

"Yes, but not for the last couple of days."

"That wouldn't matter. What seems odd is that your body is still changing, even though the vampire agent hasn't decreased."

"Great, Natalie, now you want to translate that?"

"I can only guess, but it looks like your body is still adjusting to Tracy's blood by reverting to some mortal characteristics, but you don't seem to be losing any further vampire abilities."

"So you don't think I'll change anymore?"

"I don't know, Vachon, this isn't quite an exact science. Either you'll stay like this, or possibly change through further crises. That seems to be the catalyst for these changes. Have you noticed any further changes?"

Vachon was quiet for a moment. "I'm hungry." Natalie went to get a bottle for him, only to be stopped by his hand on his arm. "For food, Natalie. I found myself wanting food."

"What did you eat?" Natalie grabbed her charts and began writing furiously. This was fascinating.

"Nothing. But I'm still hungry. I tried to eat food when I was first brought across, but I'd wretch it back up. So I didn't think to try."

Natalie looked at him, then went to get her lunch. "Want to try now?"

Vachon stared at the food. He was reaching for it when he suddenly jerked upright, his eyes glowing. "Tracy. Tracy's in trouble." Instantly he took to the skies.

Reaching the hospital, he rushed to her room, only to find the bed empty, the window broken, and the doctor looking confused. "Mr. Vachon, do you know where Tracy is?"

Vachon could feel the Inca. He knew he'd been here, had taken Tracy with him. Vachon had known the Inca hadn't died from Vudu's bomb, but he figured he'd leave him alone now. He never thought he'd come after Tracy.

Turning to the doctor, he spoke in his low voice. "Tracy is fine. She left the hospital this morning. You released her."

"I released her this morning."

As the dazed doctor turned to leave, Vachon flew out the window.

Arriving at Nick's loft, he found Nick just getting ready to leave for work. "Vachon, what can I --" Nick stopped as he looked at Vachon's face. He was frantic. "Vachon, what's wrong?"

"The Inca. He's got Tracy."

"The Inca's dead."

"Come on, Knight. Would you be stupid enough to hold on to a bomb while it exploded. He's not dead, he's here and he's got Tracy."

"Why would he have Tracy?"

"I don't know, maybe to get to me. But you've got to help me find him."

"That won't be necessary, Nicolas." Both heads turned at the appearance of LaCroix. "I can tell you where the Inca is. But there's something of greater importance to discuss."

Vachon flew at LaCroix, grabbing him by the lapels of his perfectly tailored black suit. "Where's Tracy?"

"Nicolas, tell me this pup isn't trying to manhandle me." Without so much as thought, Vachon was flung against the wall. "You are, as usual, quite amusing, Vachon."

"Tell me where Tracy is."

"She is safe. The Inca means her no harm. He is, in fact, protecting her. And that brings us back to the larger issue." LaCroix casually sauntered to Nick's couch. The drama he loved to create and build filled the room.

"Just get to it, LaCroix. What's the 'larger issue' here?" Nicolas asked with exaggerated patience.

"The Enforcers have decided enough is enough. They've decided to take care of this little breach of security after all."

Nick and Vachon stared at each other. "The Enforcers are going after Tracy?" Vachon asked in a small voice. He never figured on fighting the Enforcers. This battle was one he had no idea how to fight.

"Not just Tracy, dear boy. There is another breach that must be attended to."

Nick felt the vampire emerge in a rush. "Natalie!" he bellowed as he crashed through the loft windows. Vachon followed.

LaCroix sighed. "When will these children learn?" He returned to The Raven.


Tracy awoke in a strange bed in a dark basement. A single candle burned by the bed. Looking around, she found herself quite alone. The Inca had her, that much she knew. He didn't seem to mean her harm, though. Maybe he was just using her to get to Vachon.

"Hey, Inca-guy, or whatever your name is! Where are you?"

He appeared, carrying take-out. "I thought you might be hungry." Giving her the food, he started to leave.

"Hey, don't go. Tell me why I'm here."

"The son of my brother is in danger."

"Cut the ancient vampire dialect. I'm sure you can speak twentieth century as well as Vachon. Are you here for him?"

The Inca stared at her. He liked her, though she talked too much. His brother had chosen well. He was glad, though, that he did not have to live with her.

"In this time I am called Marcos." He sat by Tracy's bed and stared at her in the same unnerving way Vachon had. "How are you feeling? The child is strong?"

"How did you know about the baby?"

Marcos looked upwards, silent. Tracy thought he wouldn't answer, then he began speaking in his slow methodical way. "When I took the bomb to Mother Moon, I knew it was about to explode. I threw it from me, but was still injured from the blast. It took many months for me to heal."

Tracy's heart hurt for Marcos, sensing he'd been alone during this time. "I made it back here, feeding in silent, healing slowly. When I was finally strong enough to start my life again, I searched for Vachon. We had our orders to fulfill.

"I found he had been made your protector. Quite a change for such a stupid, irresponsible man."

"Vachon is neither stupid nor irresponsible. I could --"

"Quiet, woman. I have known him since the day we became what we are. You have known him less than a year. For 450 years he has run. He IS a stupid irresponsible man."

Tracy kept her mouth shut. She remembered how she felt when she learned that Vachon had refused his master's orders, choosing instead to play for 450 years. But he'd changed. "He's different now."

Marcos seemed to soften. "This I have seen. He finally loves someone other than himself. But more than his heart has changed. He is no longer a vampire."

"Yes, he is."

Marcos shook his head. "He is somewhere in between. I don't understand it, but our blood links us. I could feel the day he was staked. I tried to find him, to help him. I felt the life leaving him."

"Why would you bother to save him if you feel the way you do about him?" Marcos bewildered Tracy.

Marcos looked at her as if she were stupid. "He is my brother." Oh, right. Like that explained everything.

"I went to him, then felt it when you removed the stake. From the minute he drank from you, I felt his blood changing. You are poisoning him."

Tracy was quiet, then spoke softly. "He knows. He chose me anyway." Marcos looked deep into her eyes, choosing his words carefully. "He can become whole again."

"What do you mean?"

"If he drinks my blood, since we are brothers, it should make him whole. Don't ask me how I know this, but I know it is true."

"You still haven't answered my question. How did you know about the baby?"

"I have been close. I heard the doctor tell him. If Vachon had been whole, he would have sensed me."

"So why are we in danger? And why have you brought me here?"

Marcos paced the room, his movements so resembling Vachon's Tracy was fascinated. "The Enforcers were at the Raven tonight. They saw Vachon prepare to take you from the scene in front of everyone. He had the eyes of the vampire, and there were many who could have seen. He puts all vampires at risk with this public display.

"They have decided to remove you from this equation, and punish Vachon, also. I could not allow the son of my brother to be killed."

Tracy felt the honor in this vampire, his dedication to protect innocent life. "If I weren't pregnant, would you have saved me?"

Marcos looked at Tracy once more, testing his truths. "I would not have let the woman of my brother be killed."

Tracy decided she liked this guy.


Nick arrived at the lab to find it empty. On the floor was a crucifix that Natalie kept in her drawer, just in case. He was too late.

Vachon arrived moments later. Seeing the crucifix on the floor, he turned to Nick. "They've got her. Nick, at least they didn't kill her yet. If they had, her body would be here as a message for us."

Nick was in a rage. Making the decision, he turned to Vachon. "Let's go."

"Where? Do you know where they've got her?"

"No, but I know who does." LaCroix. Why couldn't he make things easy just once? "Come with me. If we're taking on the Enforcers, there's a lot to get ready."


LaCroix sat at one of the tables, nonchalance in an Armani suit. "Well, Nicolas, what is it I can do for you?"

"Where have they taken her?" Leaning on the table, Nick tried in vain to intimidate LaCroix.

"I can show you. Is there anything else you'd like to ask?" Sipping from his private label stock, the smell of human blood swirled about him.

"How can we defeat them?"

"Ah, children, that is indeed a question." Another sip.

"Just tell us, LaCroix." Vachon snapped irritably. He was extremely tired of this game between Nick and his master. Even though The Inca had her, Tracy was still in danger.

"But it's so much fun making you ask."

Just then, Tracy and The Inca walked in The Raven. Vachon threw himself at The Inca, slamming him up against the wall. Tracy intervened,

"Javier, don't. Marcos is trying to help us!"

Vachon looked at Tracy. "Marcos? Who's Marcos?"

"Sheesh, Vachon, he's your own brother and you don't know his name?" Tracy took Vachon's hands off Marcos' shirt. "Vachon, this is Marcos. He's a pretty nice guy, by the way."

Vachon didn't like the way Tracy was smiling at this guy. All the jealousy in his Spanish blood came to the fore. "I would not touch your woman, Vachon. I a man of honor." Marcos didn't mention he couldn't put up with her constant chatter anyway.

Turning to Tracy, Vachon checked her out. She was wearing one of Marcos' shirts to cover her hospital gown. Her wound seemed fine, not bleeding again. "Let's get you home and in some clothes. Then I have to get back here. The Enforcers have Natalie."

Six men armed with crucifixes and holy water stormed the Raven. The four vampires hissed and seethed, creating an unearthly sound that frightened Tracy to her soul. Seeing the four vampires full blown, she could easily understand why all were considered evil. Before she could say a word, one of the men grabbed her and hauled her outside. There she was promptly handed over to the Enforcers.

Turning to the six men, the Enforcers hypnotized the men and made them forget how they even got to this side of town.