Sequel: Hey Little Razorblade

Modern Swinger

You Don't Know What You Do To Me

It's been a month since that night with Matt. Yep, one month and we are still together. It's been great.

The guys were really shocked by all of it, but quickly got over it.

We were able to get home about two nights after. This is where we've been since then.

"Hey Chloe, where's the beer?" Jon asked coming into my kitchen and staring at the empty fridge.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't have any." I sighed looking back at my book.

He walked over the table and sat down next me.

"Why not? I mean, Matt lives here, what is he going to do without beer?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes again. "First off, he doesn't live here, and besides he went to store to get some more." I said my eyes never leaving the book.

"If he's not living here, then why is he here every night?" Jon said with a grin.

I finally looked away from my book and frowned. "He's not here everynight."

"You know what I can't understand?" Jon asked.

I shook my head.

"How you two got together. I mean I really thought it was the end of the world." He laughed.

I chuckled.

"Yea, I'm still trying to understand it too." I sighed.

"Are you going to be ok, you know, why we're off at tour?"

I looked up at him and thought for a second.

"Yea, I think I will. I mean, Matt and I are just dating; we're not committed to one another. And I'm not ready for that." I answered.

"Ok, you know if he does anything I'll kick his ass right?"

I nodded. "Better." I smiled.

He kissed my forehead. "You know it."

"She knows what?" Matt asked coming into the kitchen with two 24 packs of beer.

Jon winked at me. "Nothing. You got beer?" He asked changing the subject, and heading towards a can.

"Yea man." Matt answered.

Jon soon exited the kitchen and I continued to read my book.

I felt two arms wrap around my neck and a kiss on my cheek.

"Chloe, are you sure you can't come to Cali with us?" Matt asked like a little kid.

I sighed. "Matt, I can't. I have school. I can't miss another semester." I answered.

He nodded. "I know it's just going to be so lonely without you there." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled at how cute he was being. "It'll be lonely here without you here." I said turning to face him.

I quickly kissed his lips and walked away.

"Hey, we were having a moment, and you just walked away!" He pouted.

I laughed. "The all mighty Matt Friction is shocked a girl walked away from him"

He grinned. "Laugh all you want sweetheart, but no walks away from Matt Friction." He states walking towards me.

I grin back. "I do."

Matt groaned and grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him. "That needs to change." He whispered into my ear.

I giggle. "You need to stop being so cocky." I smirked.

He lifted me up on the counter. "Make me." He teased.

I kiss his lips softly. Before I know it he kissed me back passionately. He put his hand on the back of my neck pushing my lips harder into his. We began to get into it when we were interrupted.

"Seriously, you two shit heads need to wait until company's gone before you fuck." We heard Bob say from the fridge, which was about 3 feet away from us.

I turned my head blushing from the comment.

"Alright, well you, Jon, and Aaron, can see you're way out." Matt snapped.

"Fine, but we're taking a pack of beer." Bob answered grabbing the box and walking out the kitchen.

"MOVE OUT! THEY NEED TO FUCK!" we heard Bob yell.

We heard people groan, get up and the front door slammed.

Matt and I laughed and looked back at each other.

"I swear-" I sighed

Matt shrugged. "It's Bob." He laughed.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Where were we?" He asked still smiling.

I put my finger to my chin pretending to think. "I don't remember." I smirked.

Matt grinned. He lifted my over his shoulder, and smacked my butt.

"I think I have an idea." He smirked.

He walked into my room and threw me gently on the bed. He crawled his way towards me. I giggled from excitement.

He pulled my legs towards him, making him hovering over me.

Matt grinned and looked into my eyes. "You don't know what you do to me." He commented pushing some hair out of my eyes.

I blushed and grinned back. "Ditto."

I pushed my lips into his and smiled.

I felt a rush of energy over taking my body.

I never want this to end.
♠ ♠ ♠
"That's what you get when you let your heart win"
