Sequel: Hey Little Razorblade

Modern Swinger

Regrets Made In One Night

Two hours later:

"So I told him, I can't leave; your girlfriend has my pants." Bob said laughing.

I giggled along. I wasn't even sure what he was talking about, but it was funny. I snatched the bottle away from his hand and downed the rest of it.

"Hey Bob, have you seen Chloe?" Jon asked coming around the corner.

Bob busted out laughing, and I laughed along with him. We were so wasted, that it didn't matter why were even laughing.

Jon took one look at me and shook his head. "Are you drunk?" He asked coming up to me.

I tried standing up, but soon collapsed into his arms. "No!" I giggled uncontrollably.

"Yes you are. Come on we have to get you to the hotel room." He said attempting to stand me up straight.

I closed my eyes and giggled again. Then I felt someone pick me up bridal style.

"I got it man. I'll take her. Don't even worry about it." I heard a voice say. I knew that voice, but couldn't even make out who it belong to.

"Are you sure, man?" I heard Jon ask worriedly. He was buzzed, but not drunk. No matter what he was always there to take care of me, and making sure nothing happened.

"It's ok; I can carry her and walk. It's only like two blocks." The voice carrying me said.

Then I felt the person to start walking. I wanted to open my eyes and see who this person what, but I was too drunk to do so. My head felt heavy, and all I wanted to do was sleep.

After a while of fighting with myself, I opened my eyes to see Matt carrying me.

"Put me down! I can walk myself." I slurred. I tried prying myself out of his grip, but it just got tighter around my body.

"No. I told Jon I would take you to your room, and that's what I am going to do." Matt said a little annoyed.

"Since when do you listen to Jon? You hate me, remember? " I scoffed.

Matt sighed in annoyance. "I don't hate you."

"Yes you do, put me DOWN!!" I yelled. This time I tried fighting his grip.

"Would you stop!?" Matt yelled.

I frowned and decided to not fight anymore. Obviously I wasn't going anywhere. I slowly closed my eyes, and tried again to keep them open. I slowly closed them again, and fell asleep.

I soon felt the coldness of the sheets, and someone taking off my shoes. I opened my eyes to see that I was in the hotel room. I slowly sat up and saw Matt washing his face in the restroom sink.

"Why did you bring me back?" I asked a bit more sober. My rubbed my head, I was getting a headache.

"Because." He shrugged his shoulders, placing the towel back on the rack.

"God, why are you such an ass!" I groaned.

"I'm not the ass." Matt sneered.

"I tried being nice! You were the one being the asshole." I yelled stumbling towards him. I guess I wasn't as sober as I thought I was.

Matt caught me, but I tried to pull away. "Really, when did you try to be nice to me?" He asked with a bit more serious tone.

"In the beginning I tried my best to get along with you!" I argued. "But you always had to make some kind of comment towards me."

Matt just stared into my eyes. His lips crashed into mine. He pulled away and I looked at him with shock. So I slapped him. But that didn't stop him; he pulled me into another rough kiss.

Whether it was the alcohol, or not, I kissed him back. Matt pulled away and smirked.

"I want you, Chloe." He whispered. I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

I crashed my lips back into his. We never broke the kiss and stumbled our way to the bed. We began to take each other's clothes off in a rush.

This night was going to end in something I would regret in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I lied about you, regrets are useless"
