Sequel: Hey Little Razorblade

Modern Swinger

Should I Give In

"Um- Jon, I'm going out for a while. I don't think I'll be back until the morning." I said softly to Jon at the table.

"Why? Do you have a date or something?" Matt snapped at the table.

I sent him a death glare.

"Please dude, its Chloe, who would date her?" Bob laughed.

Ouch that one hurt.

I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your fucking business." I snapped.

"Wow, she looked just as mad, as when she saw herself naked on the internet!" Matt sneered again.

My face turned bright red with angry. How dare he bring that up!

Jon sighed loudly. "Yea, that's cool. Just be back before we leave." He said ignoring them.

I nodded. Jon was the only one who knew about Eric. He was the only one I told, and besides he saw us one day at star bucks.

"Hey Chloe, are you ready?" I heard Eric say.

I looked up instantly.

Shit. Matt is going to see him and have more of a reason to say stuff to me.

I smiled. "Yea, I am." I nodded getting out of the booth.

"Hey Jon." Eric said waving at him.

"What's up man?" Jon replied waving back.

"Who are you?" Matt asked rudely.

"This is Eric." I smiled pointing to him.

Eric waved to everyone around.

"Come on. I have the Taxi waiting." Eric said taking my hand.

"Ok. Let me just get my bag." I said grabbing it from the seat.

I caught a glimpse of Matt. He was glaring at Eric.

Could that be jealously?


He even shifted his eyes to our hands and back at me.

There is was again. I could read exactly what he was feeling.

He was hurt. I can see it all over his face.

For once in my life, I felt sorry for him. I felt bad for doing this in front of him. But than again, why should I? He did flaunt all those other girls in front of me.

I waved bye to everyone and walked out. I couldn't stand looking at his face. It hurt too much.

"So, you're gonna stay with me?" Eric asked.

I looked over at him and smiled. "Yea. It is my last night in New York after all." I shrugged.

He nodded. "I never got to hear Jon's band play. Do they play tonight?" He asked as we got into the cab.

I got comfortable and nodded. "Yea they do. You might like them." I told him matter-a-factly.

"Cool. I think we should see them. That's if you don't mind." He smiled.

I shook my head. "No, that's fine."

Eric leaned in and kissed me. I blushed slightly.

I loved the attention he gave me.

I was still guarded with my heart. I didn't want anyone to hurt me. I've been hurt in the past, and Eric understood that I didn't want to rush things between us.

"So beautiful, what time is it at?" He asked enlacing our fingers.

"At 10:30" I stated.

He nodded. "Ok, we have an hour to kill. Shall we get some food?" He asked.

"Always." I grinned.

The bar was filled with the smell of smoke and liquor. I sighed as I looked around for us to sit. I decided to sit at the bar since there were only two seats available.

How convenient.

Eric sat next to me and smiled. I smiled back blushing slightly.

"You are really a beautiful girl." He commented causing me to turn bright red.

I turned my head so he wouldn't see my face.

I looked around and noticed that tonight the bar was packed with people. I smiled at the thought. Even though I'd hate to admit it, these guys deserved this. They've worked hard to get this far.

"So, what kind of music do they play?" Eric asked.

I looked over at him and smiled. "Power pop." I answered.

He nodded. "Never heard of that before. Want a drink?" He offered.

"Jack and coke on the rocks." I told the bartender.

He nodded and went off to get our drinks.

"Hello New York! We are the Pink Spiders!" Matt yelled into the microphone.

Everyone in the bar cheered.

The boys began there first song and the crowd went wild.

"I see there a big hit with the crowd!" Eric yelled over the music.

I nodded picking up my drink and taking a long hit.

I really didn't want to be here. I'm always there at every show, I'm always there afterwards.

This was ending soon.

I didn't want this to be my life anymore.

I sighed irritated.

I looked up at the stage. Jon was grooving around yelling out the lyrics. Bob was banging hard on the drums. I wouldn't doubt that he was even drunk right now.

Then there was Matt. Something about him seemed sexy. The way he played the guitar, and sang. It was amazing. He was made to do this rock star life.

Wait-I can not be thinking this!

I turned my head to the side to see Eric bobbing his head to the beat, and smiling.

He looked back at me and smiled. "They're good!" he grinned.

I shrugged. I noticed I was finished with my drink and asked the bartender for another.

The boys headed into All The Cool Girls Are Dead.

I sighed and focused back at them.

Most importantly, I focused on Matt. My heart began to pound faster, and I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

Maybe I should stop pushing my feelings for him aside.
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"Said you were looking for a boyfriend baby you're wasting your time with me"

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