Sequel: Hey Little Razorblade

Modern Swinger

Turn Me On

I was already on my fourth drink when the boys were half way done with their set. Eric was having the time of his life. I think he really did like the guys music.

"Ok. This is something I rarely do, but these past couple of days my mind had been preoccupied with a girl." Matt breathed into the micro phone.
Everyone did an 'Aww.'

"I know. Since I couldn't get her out of my mind, I wrote some songs about her. This one is call, Modern Swinger." he smiled pointing to Jon to start the song.

I wanted to hear the lyrics. This was a new song that they didn't even tell me about.

I wanted to hear who this girl was.

So I was a little jealous-at least I can admit it, now.

The guitar began to play and Matt walked up the mic and began singing.

"She's out of luck, out of hope and out of cigarettes
Misunderstood with naked pictures on the Internet
Her social deviance is teasing me and I know what I want
And I'm really gonna really let her know that I like her
But I just don't care enough to fool around with love

Yeah my baby's pretty as a car crash
Sexy as a stinger of a hornet in your arm
just another modern swinger
screaming "catch me if you can"
with a cigarette in hand and it's love
it's heavy and it hurts and it's love

Strung out on blow
She doesn't know why she's not feeling good
Dropped out of school
Now she's moving out to Hollywood
Her reckless decadence is taking things a little too far

Yeah my baby's pretty as a car crash
Subtle as a splinter
Yeah my baby's smooth like sandpaper
Warm just like the winter
screaming "catch me if you can"
with a cigarette in hand and it's love
it's heavy and it hurts and it's love

Staring at my shoes thinking of something to say
But nothing's better than what silence is saying
Every time I turn around
she's always looking away
It's just the nature of the game that we're playing

And I think I'm tapping out
I think I'm gonna skip the title bout"

My heart stopped.

My mind began racing.

My palms became sweaty.

Is he talking about me?

But, how did he know about Hollywood?

How did he know anything about me?

We were supposed to hate each other.

I took another shot. I needed to clear my head of this. I wanted to get out of here. I didn't know how to yank Eric from his 'great time'.

Everyone in the bar was cheering for them to play another song.

I didn't want them to, in fear of what else he wrote of.

"You liked that one?" Matt asked the crowd.

The crowd roared again.

"You want another one?" He asked them once again.

They cheered a yes, and the guys nodded to each other.

"Alright this one is Stereo Speakers." he smiled.

"I can't tell you so I'll scream it through the stereo
Speakers come on and turn me on
I can't tell you so I'll scream it through the stereo
Speakers come on and turn me on
They say that love is like a battlefield
I guess I'm out of ammunition
I'm waving my white flag
Trying to capture your attention, sugar
But, but, but, but I've got a fever from anticipation
What does it matter, no one's listening

I can't tell you so I'll scream it through the stereo
Speakers come on and turn me on
I can't tell you so I'll scream it through the stereo
Speakers come on and turn me on

This is the winter of our discontent
You are the brunt of my transgression
How can we scream so loud
With arms crossed and lips sealed?
But, but, but, but I've got a fever from anticipation
What does it matter, no one's listening

I can't tell you so I'll scream it through the stereo
Speakers come on and turn me on
I can't tell you so I'll scream it through the stereo
Speakers come on and turn me on"

I grunted. I really didn't want to hear anymore of this.

Was this his way of telling me that he wanted to be with me?

Somebody, please get me out of here.

How was I supposed to face him now?
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I love those songs. message/comment